Chapter 48

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"What do you mean, didn't mean to?" Vic questioned him.

"Just tell Kellin I'm sorry for what I did." Vic walked closer to him, making sure to keep his distance.

"Sorry for what?" Vic shouted a little loudly.

"I'm sorry." He started to cry and went to the side table that held 2 beer cans that had yet to be open.

"Sorry for what?" Vic shouted louder, reaching for him, turning him around. "What did you do?" He asked grabbing Kellin's dad by the collar and pushing him against the wall. "Tell me what happen!" Vic demanded.

"I can't." The man sobbed.

"You better tell me now." He was getting impatient.

"I didn't mean to." He still wasn't giving the answers Vic wanted.

Vic didn't know what to do. He couldn't just threaten Kellin's father, even if he wouldn't have minded. What was the big secret he wouldn't tell him? Vic curled his hand into a fist and readied to hurl it at Kellin's father.

"Wait, don't." Vic uncurled his fingers and let his hand fall to his side.

"Tell me." He commanded in a dark sinister voice.

"You can't tell Kellin." The man was truly scared. But did he fear Vic or Kellin?

**Vic's P.O.V.**

"Okay." I agreed.

I released him and backed away. He went over to his chair again and continued crying. I waited, tapping my foot against the floor.

"Are you going to tell me?" I asked impatiently.

"Okay." He muttered and wiped his eyes. "I got up early and went to the bar across town. I went at 5 and left around 7, I couldn't even get drunk anymore." His hoarse voice explained. He sniffled and wiped his eyes again.

"While I was on my way home, I saw Karen and Kellin get into her car. I didn't want her to leave, I followed while she took him to school. After he walked into the school building I tried to talk to her. She drove away before I could try to work things out. I drove after her, but then my vision got blurry."

"You didn't." I stopped him. "You didn't, how could you?" He was the reason she died, Kellin was right.

"I couldn't control the car. I swerved into the next lane and then a big truck honked at me and I moved back over. I didn't see her there." He finished explaining and started to cry again.

"I don't want to hear it." I held up my hand to stop him from speaking.

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." He held his face in his hands and cried more.

I was still standing, I crossed my arms. I was disgusted with the human being sitting in front if me. Not only did he kill a beautiful, innocent woman, but he hurt Kellin. I couldn't help but shed a few tears for how Kellin would feel if he found out.

No wonder Kellin couldn't trust anyone after this, because of him. His mom's killer is a person, the only person he has left of his family. I watched the man in front of me who's life had crumbled. He deserved everything he got, Kellin doesn't need him. I backed away and turned towards the door. I needed to get to Kellin, I can't think of anything else to do.

"Please don't tell Kellin." He begged. I turned to see him with swollen, red eyes and tears streaming down his face.

"I won't, but just know, you're a disgusting excuse for a human being. Do you not know how hard it was for Kellin to go through that?" I yelled.

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