Chapter 41

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**Vic's P.O.V.**

I decided to sing the song for Kellin, at the next concerts I'll have. I'll get him to come an watch, I think that it will be better than anything. As we walk through the sand on the way to get food, I held his hand close to my side. I never wanted to let him go, he's the most important thing in my life. I can't wait to write him a song and prove my love to him. We get on the sidewalk and feel the sand exit through our flip flops I look at him.

"Vic, stop." He giggled and blushed. "You've been staring at me and our hands the whole time we've been walking." He pointed out.

"Sorry, I'm just happy to have you." I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed it.

"You're so sweet." He pulled my hand and made me jolt forward. "I'm lucky to have you." He smiled and looked down at my lips and back at me.

"I think I'm the lucky one." I told him as I connected our lips.

Now making out in the middle of the sidewalk wasn't what I planned. We don't care, and apparently neither did anyone else. I let go of Kellin's hand and placed my hands on his wrist. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I felt him pull my hair. I moved back and took in a sharp breath and he laughed.

"Is that turning someone on?" He asked seductively.

"You better stop that or people might notice us." I wanted to fuck him right then and there.

"Ohhh I'm scared." He mocked.

"You know what Quinn, I'll get you back." I promised.

"Yeah, but I've already won." He let go of me and started walking.

"What do you mean?" I gave him a questioning glance as he turned around.

"Tell him I said hi." He pointed down to the front of my pants.

"Oh, you did not." I asked slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, I did." He gave me a smug look before walking away. I looked down and sure enough, you could tell I was hard. I covered it the best I could and ran to catch up with him.

"You're going to get it tonight." I said evilly.

"Great." He smiled cheekily and went into the restaurant.

He doesn't know what I have coming for him. I slapped him across the face as I passed by him to sit down. He whimpered and held on to his face as it slightly turned red.

"What was that for?" He asked innocently.

"For making me come into a restaurant while I'm hard, thanks to you." I snapped and he began to laugh, loud.

"You're very much welcome. And I didn't make you, you followed me in." He did have a point, but still.

"Well since that's the case I'm going to let you pay for your own food." I took out my wallet and placed it close to me.

"But I left mine at home." He whined.

"I know. Now apologize." I demanded.

"I'm sowwy." He said in a baby voice and poked his lip out. I was still going to get him when we get back to the room.

"Whatever faker." He and I both laughed and ordered our food.

We both ate slowly to help the bulge that had grown in my pants. When we got done eating, I paid and we both headed back to the hotel. As we walked through the lobby to the elevator, I began to put my revenge in place. The elevator doors opened and to my luck no one was in.

We stepped in and I pressed the top floor and pulled Kellin close to me and started to kiss him. I tugged at his bottom lip, hoping he'd let me in and I could start phase two. When he opened his mouth, I was more than delighted. I didn't have to fight for dominance, I was already in control.

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