Chapter 42

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Vic and I were ready for the luau, but it wasn't time to go yet. He took me to one of the shops near the beach. It was full of souvenirs and all things Hawaiian. He picked me out a cute, dorky hat and placed it on my head. It was huge compared to me.

I laughed and took some sunglasses from the rack and placed them over his eyes. They were in the shape of a palm tree, he made a stupid face and I took out my phone and snapped a picture.

"Hey, I didn't go taking pictures of you." He took the glasses off and placed them on me. "Give me that." He took the phone and took a picture of me.

"Okay, you've had your fun, now delete it." I told him.

"Wait." He started to type something and I leaned forward to look. "Stop." He moved away.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't answer, but finished what he was doing and handed me my phone.

"Here ya go." I snatched it and he snickered as he took out his phone.

I looked at my pictures and noticed his was deleted. "why'd you delete yours?" I was kind of mad.

"Because I only want to have it." He held up his phone, showing me the picture.

I went to my messages and looked at our texts. He deleted the message of the picture from off of there too. I pressed back and saw that Tyler sent me a text.

'Nice.' I opened it and saw the picture he took of me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." He smiled and gave me a kiss before pulling the hat from my head and the glasses from my eyes.

We played around more, going from store to store. He even made me go try stuff on. By the time we were finished I had 37 pictures of me dressed silly and so did Tyler. Vic had all 42 pictures of him on his phone.

It was soon time for us to go to the luau. I tried to convince Vic to just go back to the room, but he refused. Always promising for later every time I asked. Is it possible that I'm addicted to sex? Maybe just addicted to him. I felt sometimes that Vic turned me into a masochist like him.

Whenever we had sex, I didn't mind the pain, it actually felt good sometimes. The only time that I remember being really hurt was when we were still in high school.

He pushed me against the wall and made me bang my head plenty of times. Not to mention all of the times that I had bruises. The ones that stuck out most was the one on my waist from hitting the side of the dresser.

That did hurt, I'm not that good with pain. The only thing about pain from Vic is it comes with intense pleasure. Ever surge of pain is demolished when a current of ecstasy is pumped into me. I looked down at our hands, interlinked together. He must have saw me looking baca use he began to swing our hands.

"I can't wait for you to come to my concert." He grinned hugely.

"When is it exactly?" I looked down at our hands again.

"March 7th." He shrugged.

"Really?" I looked up at him an was kind of scared. "Does that mean you're going to go on tour too?"

"Yeah, it'll only last for 3 months though." He said nonchalantly.

I feared that he was going on tour. That meant that I wouldn't be able to see him. I started to pick with my scarf to try to ignore the thought of him leaving. I knew it was kind of wrong for me to like him, but i couldnt help but to.

I wasn't the type to truly express my feelings emotionally because I didn't understand how to describe them. I knew whether I liked him or not, what I didn't know was if it was something more.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora