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I'm sorry to say that this will be the last chapter of this book.

I have finally figured out who I am and that is a cis female who is pansexual. I enjoyed the complicated journey through gender confusion, I mean it's kinda frustrating that I just ended up where I started, but that's okay.

Since I don't identify as nonbinary anymore, I figured it would be a good idea to end the book here. Also, I haven't been active at all lately and I just have nothing to talk about anymore.

I really love all of you guys and getting to know y'all was a pleasure. I had never had internet friends before I started this and now that I do, I'm glad. Hearing some of y'alls experiences in life was great and I'm glad that I got to talk to so many amazing people.

Honestly, I'm gonna miss writing and everything. Who knows, I might write some shitty fanfiction or something one day, but for now, I'm done.
As a goodbye, I'm going to do a last 10 facts about me.

1) I got a new dog yesterday! His name is Hershey and he was always roaming around where my dad works and he was super skinny and no one was taking care of him so my dad brought him home.

2) The kind of music I listen to has changed quite a bit. Now I only really listen to music from Broadway musicals and Glee. Other than that I listen to Panic! still and mostly pop from the 2000s and early 2010s.

3) I've recently gotten into photography and I have a Polaroid which I use to take pics of mostly my cat and nature like flowers and junk.

4) I've never seen a single Studio Ghibli movie. I got Spirited Away for my birthday, but I haven't gotten around to watching it (you know what I'm watching it directly after I publish this.)

5) My favorite Marvel character is Thor because yes. Also because he's a lesbian icon. (if you don't get it, don't ask.) Actually, it might be Spider Man just because of Tom Holland, I'm very indecisive.

6) I have baby hands and my pinkies are LITERALLY tiny. They're two inches tall. Also very chubby.

7) I have a theory that I was abused in a past life because I'm EXTREMELY jumpy. The other day I was in geometry and one of my friends walked up to me and put his hand up for a high five but he did it really quickly and I flinched because I thought he was gonna hit me. (I know for a fact that he wouldn't, I'm just that jumpy.)

8) I'm ALWAYS tired. A L W A Y S.

9) I loved Winnie the Pooh as a kid and I mean I still do.

My favorite one was when Pooh sung about heffalumps and whoozles.

10) I was so dumb to not find out that I was gay before I actually did. Like I knew that I found girls attractive, I just thought everyone loves tits and even though I wanted to kiss girls, I was still straight...I wish I could go back in time and slap some gay sense into myself.

Anyways, that's it.

Thanks to those who stuck around and I love you guys all so much.

Goodbye for now.


(yeeeeep that's my birth name)

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