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Hey guys!

So uhhhhhhhh screw what I said about maybe not being active because I've actually been remembering to check everything and communicate with you guys. I'm just such a mess honestly and I apologize.
So I seen this thing on Instagram today and it said something about nonbinary people having to be masculine to be nonbinary??

Like no honey.

I'm going to say this once and I'm probably going to say it again because I repeat things a lot, but whatever


Okay? Okay. 

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

But seriously, you don't have to be or present how anyone wants you to. You get to decide who and what you want to be. What other people's opinions are doesn't matter because you are YOU NOT THEM. You don't have to deal with them for the rest of your life, but you DO have to deal with yourself for the rest of your life so do whatever you want. Do whatever makes you happy. Love yourself. If you don't love yourself how you are now, something needs to change. Whether it be feeling like you don't belong in the body you were born as or a self confidence issue. You can dress however you want to, act however you want to. Honestly as long as you are happy with your personality, you're good. If you're having self confidence issues such as body image or anything else, you need to change your image of yourself. If the voice in your head is telling you that everything about you is horrible, it's wrong. You are all great, beautiful people and I am confident in that. 

Another thing: if you're having to hurt yourself to be happy with you are, you're not actually happy. 

If you're having to hurt yourself to be "happy" you're being brainwashed. 

A lot of people will tell you that you have to fit a certain criteria to be beautiful. That's where the evil voice in your head comes from. And they are all wrong. If anyone tells you that you need to change or that you need to hurt yourself to be happy, cut them out of your life because they aren't worth your time. You cannot be happy with negativity in your life like that. Trust me, if you cut out the toxic people in your life, you will be so much happier. 

I love all of you guys and I'm sorry for getting so deep, but once I started I couldn't stop. I hope that at least one of you could take away from that message and I hope that you become happy with yourself soon if you're not already. 

Stay beautiful 


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