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Hey guys!

So I think I've chosen a name and I don't think I'm going to change it again unless I see a name that's like "yes I like this name this is my name now"

But drumroll please...

It's Kass!

Thank you to the person who suggested Kastiel in the comments on the last part though I decided to shorten it!

Although, I love the name, I'm scared to ask my friends to address me by that now. There's only two of them who addressed me by Kris when I asked them to, and I don't want to ask them to call me by a new name now. I just don't want to be a burden.

I especially don't want to ask them to because I asked one of them a few days ago if they thought the name Kris suited me and they said yes and I think they really liked that name and I don't want to tell them I changed it and them still use Kris on purpose because they like it better or something.


I don't know


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