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Hey guys!

So I went through a LOT of panic, anxiety, and stress today...

My school did this thing for the freshmen and sophomores (since they've just let freshmen into the highschool) where they gave us a tour of the school and gave us our schedules and stuff. It was trash because the tour was literally the most unhelpful thing because we didn't even start at the front of the school and we would like go down hallways and then turn around when there was still more classrooms and stuff down the hall. It was so horrible and I hated every second of it. I was literally freaking out because I was scared I was going to get lost because my highschool is HUGE compared to the middle school that I went to and they didn't give us our schedules unil after the tour so I didn't know what classrooms to remember to go to.

Not only was that horrible, but when they gave us our schedules mine was missing a 3rd period class and I didn't know what to do. I was freaking out and me and my friends were walking around looking for people who could help us and there were almost no teachers around so we had to ask highschool students that were supposed to be there to help us but just said they didn't know what to do. After I finally found a teacher, she took forever to get to me because a lot of other people had issues with their schedules too and people were getting in front of me like they were there first and I was too scared to say anything so I just had to wait like 10 minutes before she got to me. Once she did she was just like "oh just write down a class that you want to take at the bottom that you requested to take." and I was like "uhh okay." and wrote something down, but now I don't know what to do about that because the teacher isn't going to have me on their roster and I'm not going to know where to go to take the class and I'm just so scared and confused.

NOT ONLY do I have no idea how to get around the school or where to go or anything for my 3rd period class, but I have almost no classes with my friends. I have two classes with my best friend and one class with my other close friend and those are the only people I really cared about having classes with. I hate having classes without my friends because I always feel so alone and scared. When I got home and found out who I was having classes with I literally cried because I was so scared and I told my mom but she just said "you can make some new friends." which is a lot easier said than done especially for me because I'm already going to be scared and sad and I'm not going to want to talk to people (more than usual) in that situation.

I wish I could just be homeschooled honestly.

~Nervous Kass

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