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Hey guys!

So it has been a WHILE.

I've been pretty busy with school and my life has been quite uneventful, so.

Anyways, time for some updates.

-I decided not to try out for the play I talked about in the last chapter. I just didn't think I would've been good for any of the roles and I was too nervous. The name of the play was Deadly Earnest, by the way since some of you were wondering. Even though I didn't try out, one of my best friends did and she got on of the main parts, so I'm proud of her and I'm going to watch her preform it. Also, we are doing a musical in the spring and everyone who tries out gets a part, so I'm trying out for that.

-The same friend that made the play got me addicted to Glee. I don't know why I hadn't watched it before since I'm obsessed with choir and showtunes and all that fun stuff. Also, I knew that it had gay characters, so I'm not sure why I didn't get into it sooner. But anyways, it's AMAZING and I got through the entire first season in two days which is pretty impressive if you ask me since each episode is an hour and there's 22 episodes in the first season. I highly reccomend it for anyone who's into show choir and stuff like that.

-I made choir and we have to try out for All Reigon which is like a huge deal especially since I've never done it before and I have a month to learn 3 songs and I'm super nervous.

-I've started reading this book called This is Where it Ends and so far it's SUPER good. It's about a school shooting and it's told from four people's perspectives. It's really harrowing, but that's the point and it's just so good. It even has LGBT representation, which makes it even better. So if any of you are looking for a good read, I suggest that.

Anyways, that's all the big things that have happened in my life since I last wrote.


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