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As of right now where I live, it's finally 2018.

Gosh 2017 was quite a year wasn't it?

I have so many mixed emotions about 2017 that it's not even funny. So, lets reflect on how my 2017 was and please tell me about your 2017 in the comments.

Good things that happened: I started reading the Harry Potter series, I started playing piano, I've become A LOT more comfortable with myself, I started my freshman year of high school, I made a lot of new friends who accept me for who I am, for the most part I've been happier, I've become more passionate for the things I enjoy doing.

Bad things that happened (It's gonna get real): The end of the year was literally awful for my mental health, the whole coming out to my mom thing, my anxiety has gotten quite worse, I drifted apart from someone who was once my closest friend, two of my close friends moved towns, drifted apart from someone I really loved and still do to this day, and school was stressful as heck.

So yeah, a lot of bad stuff happened last year, but Im not gonna let it stop me from being happy and being who I want to be.

Bad things are going to happen in your life and it's gonna suck real bad, but it will always get better. No matter what happens to you, you have to keep a positive mental attitude. It's okay to be sad and it's normal to have bad days, but you gotta try to look at the positives. I know that doesn't work for people who have clinical depression, but trust me, it's gonna get better for you too.

This year, don't let anybody tell you who you are. Don't let anybody belittle you. You are better than them. You are who you want to be. You're amazing in your own way, don't let anybody tell you different.

This year, learn to love yourself because hating yourself doesn't do anybody any good. You have to deal with yourself for the rest of your life, so there's no point in hating yourself because it'll just drag you down. So next time you look at yourself in the mirror say "damn, looking good." Because you look amazing.

Okay so now that I've gotten all that out..

So when I went to write this I realized that this story has 1K reads!!!!


Thank all of you who have decided to read about my boring and dreadful life.

You are all my friends and I love you


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