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Okay so not much has really happened in my life, but I just felt like I should share my opinion on some events that happened recently...
tw: mention of suicide

Okay so first things first, the Logan Paul thing. I know that this happened a while ago and it's kinda died down, but I'm still addressing it. In case you somehow didn't know, Logan Paul posted a video on his YouTube channel where he went to the suicide forest. In this video, he went to go camp in the forest which I mean first of all why would you do that? But anyway, he and his friends didn't follow the path and went into the part of the forest you're not meant to go. Well, he seen a dead body from someone who had went there to commit suicide and HE FILMED IT. Like he literally filmed a dead body. He blurred out the face and thought that meant that it was okay BUT THAT IS NOT OKAY.

Before he ended the video he talked about how that suicide is not a joke and there's help for everyone, which yeah that's a good thing to talk about but you didn't have to film a dead body. Also, he said that it's not a joke, yet when he came across the body HE LAUGHED. Like WTF.

A day or two after he posted it, he took it down and made two really bad apologies. Still don't understand why he posted it in the first place...

Okay now I'm going to be talking about something that happened a lot more recently...

So yesterday Shane Dawson made a video about some accusations someone had made against him. Someone had taken a clip from an old podcast of Shane's from like 6 years ago where he made some awful jokes. In the podcast Shane had joked about pedophilia and jokingly said that he had looked up pictures of naked babies. Like I said, it was a joke, a horrible one. Well he said that pedophilia is disgusting and that he was joking about looking up naked babies and that he didn't see how anyone could find that sexy. BUT in the video the other person made about him, they had cut out all the parts where he was laughing and saying he was joking and made it sound like he had looked up pictures of naked babies and called them sexy.

It's honestly ridiculous. In Shane's video he says that he's not a pedo and he even listened to the real clip from the podcast. He said that he apologizes for all the horrible jokes he used to make. He's obviously very genuine and is obviously NOT a pedophile. The "proof" against him is ridiculous and I can't believe something like this is even happening. I stand with Shane.

Go watch his video if you want more details or if you're confused.

Anyways, that's what I think about all this YouTube drama...

I just needed to get my opinion out there and spread the word.

Have a great day and I hope your year has been great so far!


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