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So I finished Harry Potter/Order of the Phoenix today.....and....

spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't read it.

Okay so I loved it, but the ending has me fucked up.

Like now more than ever Neville is my boy and he needs to be protected and I feel so bad for him and I just love him so much.

ALSO Sirius' death has got me depressed like legit.

I finished it today but read the part where he died last night and after I read that part I cried and went to bed cause I couldn't read anymore like I didn't wanna do anything but sleep. Like even now whenever I think about it I get all sad and almost start crying it's literally like a family member died.

And yeah, I know more people are gonna die and it's probably gonna be worse but like Sirius was one of my favorite characters I loved him so much.

But I'm glad that toad Umbridge is gone now. I hate her so much like seriously.

Buuut yeah and now I ship drarry cause like once you get that far into the series you're like "yeah there's no denying it, they want each other".

This book series is ruining my life.

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