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Soooooo I decided to stay friends with the guy I mentioned last chapter, lets not go into detail, Im sure no one wants to hear about my dating life 😂

IM SO SORRY its been so long since I've written anything. School has been insane, I can't even explain.
The other day my grandma got me a keyboard for an early Christmas present and I'm so happy. I already learned the intro to Welcome to the Black Parade, the Halloween theme song, and the intro to Screen by Twenty One Pilots.

I've had so much fun playing and it really makes me want to watch Your Lie in April for the 3rd time, but I'm not ready for the tears.

(If you haven't watched your lie in april you need to its amazing, but it's kinda sad)
Nothing exciting has happened in my life yet besides that, so that just shows how boring it is to be me.

I might post a chapter soon with me playing my keyboard so prepare to get g noted.

Have a gay day
~Kris 🌹

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