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Hey guys!

So I'm really dreading this weekend because I'm going camping.

Normally I'd be really excited, but this time my mom invited her best friend and her husband to come with us.

I don't have anything against them, it's just I'm going to have no one.

Usually I would be that lame person who swims at the lake and plays board games with their mother, but now she's just gonna want to spend time with her friend.

Since mom and dad were gonna have friends with them, I was allowed to bring a friend so I chose my best friend and I was so excited because I hadn't seen them in so long. Well I got informed yesterday that they can't come so that's just AMAZING.

I'm going to die of boredom and it's gonna be so great!

Kill me


Also I'm thinking about changing my name because I don't really like Kris :/

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