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No life updates I'm just here to say something.

Okay so since it's summer vacation for me I don't really have a lot of anything to do all day it would probably mean that I'm going to update both of my books more, but sadly that is not the case.

Lately I haven't been motivated to do anything except lay in bed and watch Grey's Anatomy all day. The most productive thing I do is draw sometimes and do the dishes when my parents ask me to. I want to update more often, trust me, but I just can't force it. Y'know?

If you're reading my Dan and Phil fic, then I'm sorry to say that I'm uploading that even less than I normally do (which is like never anyways).

I'm usually good at updating this book, but I'm afraid that won't be the case for a while. I will update though, I'm not gonna completely ghost on you guys.


(heyyyyyy 69 you know what that means? *wink*)

(I don't have enough money to buy chicken nuggets :(  )

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