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I have finally chosen a middle name. It's not any that I thought of, but I really like it.

Drum roll please

It's James!

I was looking for middle names on the internet and found James and thought it sounded good with my first name and I felt like it fit me generally. I'm so happy I finally have a complete name that's not my birth one.

It doesn't have as much importance to me as some other ones did, but I mean it's Daniel Howell's middle name so that counts I guess since he's been such a positive influence in my life.
Okay so my best friend has been telling me that one of my christmas presents from them hasn't come in yet and they gave me a little hint about what it is. They said "you'll wear it until there's nothing left to wear."

I don't know exactly what it is, but I have a feeling that it could be a binder because they went on and on about how I'm going to love it and that I'll be sad if it doesn't come in. Like I don't want to get my hopes up because that's probably not what it is, but I mean it's a possibility.

I'll keep you posted on that

~Kris James🌹
(Omg that sounds great to me okay bye)

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