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Hey guys!

So I'm just here to say that I might not be very active for I don't know how long...

I had to delete the Wattpad app on my phone and I don't really know if that will change anything, but it probably will so just thought I'd let y'all know. 

Also, if you message me it might take me a while to respond since I don't get notifications for that stuff on my laptop. If you message me and it takes me a while to answer, I am so sorry. I'm gonna try to check my account every day even if I don't update, but I'm forgetful and can get very busy. I know I shouldn't make excuses buuuuut.

But anyways, I'm going to try to be as active as I can and after a while I'll probably be good at checking my messages and stuff everyday but I might disappear for like a week or two? 

*sigh* i'm such a mess


also since i'm not on my phone that means no more flower emoji :(

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