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Okay so this has 54 reads?


For some people this might not be a big deal, but NONE of my books (they're all deleted now) have ever gotten past like 20 reads.

Thank you all so much for reading this, honestly I didn't think anyone would. I just wrote this because I hoped someone would read it and it would help them better understand themselves or a friend/family member that is nb.

But again, thank you thank you thank you so so much for actually using your time to read about some random stranger online rant about their life.
Okay, so next chapter which may be like in a few minutes or tomorrow or something idk, I'm gonna be doing a face reveal. I just think it's good to know the person behind the screen and who's writing this junk.

The only thing I will probably never share with y'all is my birthname for obvious reasons. So, be ready because sometimes I might get all up close and personal.

I guess that's all for this chapter, but thank you again for reading this piece of trash. I love you all. Don't forget, you're all valid and beautiful and you can be whatever you wanna do.

Have a wonderful day

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