Angel Grace:
   "Tell me where V is or I'll call the police."

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and laughed.

Angel Grace:
    "Just tell me!"

Jimin finally stood and crossed his arms.

   "Shouldn't it be us, who need to call the police?"

Angel Grace:

Jungkook moved closer to Angel Grace again while licking his lips.

   "Because you committed a crime, young Heavens."

Angel Grace felt his heart beating too fast. If what they were saying was true, then what happened to V was really not just a dream.

Angel Grace:
   "So it was real ~ I stabbed V."

Jimin nodded.

Angel Grace:
   "B - but ~ where is he?"

Jungkook sat on the couch and covered his face with his hands.


Angel Grace's eyes widened.

It couldn't be. She killed V ~ she committed  a serious crime.

She sat on the bed as she couldn't  feel her legs anymore.

She was about to cry until a loud smack filled the room.

Jimin smacked Jungkook's head while giving him death glares.

   "You're the one whose gonna be dead, demon."

Angel Grace looked at the two. Wondering whom she was gonna  believed in.

   "He is in the kitchen. Getting something to eat."

Just in time, V entered his room with a plate on his hand.

   "Why are you still here?"

Jimin and Jungkook stared  at Angel Grace.

   "Heavens? It's almost 2 am. What makes you visit  my room, huh?"

Angel Grace  felt a relief after seeing V breathing. And to end his doubts of reality, she suddenly went to V and lifted his shirt up.

V just stood there and watch Angel Grace do the act.

Angel Grace was shocked.

Jimin and Jungkook giggled.

   "No abs found."

He made a high five with Jungkook. And it made the son of the devil glare to them with  rage. As the two, for the  first time was getting along with each other.

Then Jimin and Jungkook raised their shirt up, showing their pack with a very proud stance.

V moved away from Angel Grace and placed his food on the side table. Then he slowly sat on his bed as he tried to make himself comfortable.

For him not to feel the pain from his wound.

Angle Grace breathed heavily. Still couldn't believe she really stabbed V.

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