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V Morningstar blankly stared at the ceiling as he found comfort lying on his bed.

Alone. Atlast.

He closed his eyes as he terribly felt the painful arrows stuck into his senses. Not from the fists of those he termed petty braggarts from the university but the reality.

The reality that he was then tormented by humans. Of which he already become.

A human. He is a human.

He then felt the presence of the heavenly creature he did not want to talk with by that moment.


Park Jimin crossed his legs as he comfortably sit on the couch. Holding a book, he smiled and greeted V.

"Tough day, isn't it, dear cousin?"

V sat on the bed and leaned his back against the head board. He pulled the sheet to cover himself and hugged a pillow.

Jimin giggled, finding V Morningstar adorably vulnerable to see.

"This is why I hate humans and their existence."

Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, what could be worse than getting beaten by some arrogant boys in school? You looked very helpless by the way. Which is a fact. Since you're already a human."

V glared at Jimin. His tauntings weren't very pleasing since the beginning.

"Wait a minute. So you mean to say, you hate yourself."

V smirked.

"I, V Morningstar is an obnoxious --"


V closed his eyes as he clenched his fists.


"Devil no more."

V threw the pillow to the angel.

"Haha! I thought you already embraced your new natural form? When will you realize that you are as weak as a human, now? Huh, dear cousin?"

V just rolled his eyes.

"If I say that humans are disgusting, weak, and filthy then that would be an understatement. Given that they are lofty, very arrogant, and a perfect subject for criticism."

Jimin burst into laughter as he threw back the pillow to the man who judged the human beings.

"Stop degrading yourself will you? You, underestimating 'your kind' is a bit of an insult to yourself. When will you actually realize that you had become a human? And I thought you liked it."

V pointed himself. As if asking Jimin whether he was pin pointing him telling that. He rose from his bed and opened the window of his room.

"Your father had been summoned by the dean. You participated in a little trouble earlier. And I wish you could just back off from getting beaten and looking so shameful. That means staying away from trouble."

V smirked while looking at the night sky.

"What about ending the dean's life? That's easier than 'summoning' my father from his kingdom."

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