Wrath (7)

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V greeted Father Phillipe with a smile as he entered the dining area where he and the priest would be eating their breakfast.

V patiently waited for the priest to finish blessing the food in the table and excitedly exclaimed, "Amen".


Father Phillipe:

"Thank you for feeding the chickens and the other animals yesterday morning while I was away, V."


V giggled being proud of himself for doing hardwork.


"It makes me joyous knowing that you also know how to slack off, Father Phillipe."


The priest laughed. He remembered those days when he still forced V to work in his guidance.




"I saw you talking to Monica yesterday."


Father Phillipe stopped eating and stared at the devil's son.




"It was my curiosity's fault, Father Phillipe. I did not intend to intervene on your secret sibling meeting. It just so happened that I liked to wander around the village which I now call home."


Father Phillipe just sighed and shook his head. He was thinking whether V had been wandering around every time he failed in being watchful to him.



"Do you know why I hate meddling with a human's business? It is because earthlings are dangerous. I suggest, you should keep yourself away from your sister and her family, Father Phillipe. It won't do any good to you. Urrgh. Your goodness always annoys me."


Father Phillipe laughed. V being extra comfortable in having a conversation with him and talking about human errors were already a part of his day.

Then he remembered how he talked with his sister Monica. Finally convincing her to do what was right for her. To have a home free from hatred. It pained him seeing her face covered with blisters; the effect of her martyrdom.

He felt he was never a good brother to her. With all his considerate actions towards her, he felt like a sinner covering up another sin causing vices and satisfying earthly desires of men.

V noticed how the priest was in deep thought. He knew he was in struggle of believing about his goodness towards men and faithfulness  to his Grandfather. He knew how Father Phillipe doubted himself as a good human being.



"It isn't your fault, Father Phillipe. You did your best to pursuade your sister on becoming a desirable creature in the eyes of my Grandfather.  She was stubborn. Blinded by desires of being happy in this world filled with fake and temporary happiness. She has her own free will. She chose to stay in the dark with her husband. I trust your goodness towards your fellow men and faithfulness to my Grandfather. But you are only human, Father Phillipe. My father's force is nothing compared to yours and you know that very well. Trust me when I say you will be forgiven by HIM. Let's just hope."

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