Wrath (6)

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Angel Seokjin:

"Then feel at home, dear nephew."


The angel disappeared into a glowing light before V's eyes.

V still wanted to talk to him for the first time but the angel left him already.



Where is his home?
Is home where he finds comfort from the luxury he savagely indulged?
Or his new found home of which he considered for being away from his father who gave him all his desires?



V met Peter at the doorstep of the convent where he, left with no choice could be called home.



V grabbed his arm before entering the door.



"Peter boy, what is home for you?"


The boy didn't even bother to look at the son of the devil who was very curious to hear him out.



"Home is where hatred isn't."


V let go of Peter and crossed his arms as he bent to focus on the boy's frightened face.

He knew it very well how Peter hated his own father. Because it takes one to know one.




"If your father is a good provider and spoiled you with everything that you wanted, why are you still ungrateful?"


V smirked. Such question from the filthy kid who robbed his own innocence from his wrongdoings.




"Do you honor your own father, kid?"



"Do you?"


V found Peter more interesting. He never thought he would be asked by a 14 year old whom he almost gave what he deserved, Punishment.

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