Gluttony (6)

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Angel Grace giggled while looking at the University. But V was just looking at it. He knew how youngsters call the place ~ hell.

Angel Grace:

   "Pray you'll be saved from the fires of hell."

She meant the university itself.

V wanted to laugh hard. If only Angel Grace knew how he used to be playing in the garden of hell. He once was a resident of his father's kingdom  where  the lake of fire and orchestra-like wailings of the hungry souls waiting for a ration of salvation was just another form of ubiquity.

Angel Grace continued driving all the way to the home where she grew up. A home which used to be perfect, filled with harmony and laughter. Until it turned out to be another hell ~ a place she wanted to free herself from. Because she no longer see it as a happy place since her mother died.

The two were just keeping their silence while inside the truck. But V's thoughts were still at the orphanage.

Angel Grace noticed how he seemed to be distracted with what Granny Mely said or maybe with how the nun appeared to him as someone questionable.

Angel Grace:

   "I don't want to believe that you are a sympathetic type. I still won't forget how you almost killed me."


V ignored her. He continued to stare at the side mirror with the thoughts of what kind of  hell he would be playing at under the supervision of a police officer named Paul Heavens.

He just sighed. Yes, he didn't want to return to his luxurious  cell but he still couldn't believe he was still dealing with human beings.

And there would be more to come.


Angel Grace parked the truck at the house's backyard. V stepped out of it without saying a single word. He left Angel Grace with a puzzled look.

V was lying on his bed. He used to be liking a life of doing nothing but then he felt boredom running in his veins. So he wore his shirt and went outside his room and decided to detoxify his thoughts from the orphanage.


It wasn't almost noon time but V decided to go to Uncle Simon's house already.
He noticed the empty cans of beer at the doorstep of his house.
The son of the devil smelled a hopeless soul. Waiting for his death to come and knocking at his door.

V closed his eyes. He couldn't help it. Disliking what he was capable of as someone who used to hang out with hopeful souls to be delivered away from a hopeless place was not that helpful. He knew Uncle Simon's death was only a one platter more.

He opened his eyes and knocked at the door. Then he waited for someone to open it for him. But no one did.

V shrugged his shoulder; ready to leave and was about to turn his back at the door. But the door opened with an old man's hopeless face and a missing leg.

Uncle Simon:
    "Aren't you too early, young man?"


V stared at the old man's leg.


Uncle Simon:

    "Haha! I was almost hopeful that it is death fetching me to go where I belong."


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