Feb 'V' ary Special

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Park Jimin pouted as he dropped the sack of pictures on the floor. Those were pictures of Angel Grace collected from inside Abraham's room.

   "What will I do with these?"

He had been complaining since he helped V in removing them from Abraham's room.

  "Make a picture collage."

The son of the devil turned to the other side of the bed. He felt disturbed by his cousin's presence. All he wanted was to be comfortable with his slumber.

But another angel in panic arrived in his room. He was bringing his whole closet with him. V knitted his eyebrows and sat on his bed after rubbing his eyes. His cousin's kind were that of good at disturbance.

  "What is this all about, Guardian Angel?"

The Guardian Angel Hoseok greeted the son of the devil with a pouting face.

  "I don't know what to wear."

Jimin and V laughed. Finding it unbelievable what the older angel said.

  "You brought your wardrobe inside this sloth's room. What are you talking about?"

V threw a pillow to his cousin.

   "Haha! Why are you such in a panic, dear Uncle?"

Hoseok smiled big to the two younger men.

   "I'll be on a date with Jeon Hannah."

Jimin and V stared at one another. Then V immediately jumped off his bed and scanned for a perfect clothes to be worn by the guardian angel.

   "This is an emergency. Hurry up, archangel."

Jimin smiled and nodded.

   "Got it!"

Jimin took his phone and called the messenger.

   "Don't bother me. I'm cooking."

Jimin sighed in disbelief. Was there more important than Hoseok going on a date?

   "We need back up. Guardian Angel Hoseok will be - "

The messenger hang up.

   "He's not of great help in fashion at all. That plain dresser *sigh . "

Hoseok laughed while watching V and Jimin doing some labour for him.

   "Messenger SeokJin is cooking for our dinner tonight. Let's not bother him, hmmkay?"

Jimin and V laughed and nodded, realizing the reason why the messenger was busy concentrating on being a part time chef.

V suddenly slammed the set of clothes out of his dismay. He couldn't find any out of those hanged designer clothes in his room.

  "Let's go shopping."

The archangel nodded and so with the guardian angel but all of a sudden, footsteps of Angel Grace were heard by the three causing them to panic even more.

Angel Grace knitted her eyebrow as soon as she saw the three men standing like a manniquin.

Angel Grace:
   "You guys are weird."

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