Envy (6)

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V Morningstar went to the kitchen of Officer Heaven's house. He saw an interesting fruit on the counter that caught his eyes.

An apple.

He picked and stared at it intensely as he smirked.

    "Hello, my father's old friend."

He took a bite and slowly chew it as she sensed Angel Grace heading to where he was at.

Angel Grace:
   "God ~ you scared me!"

Startled and annoyed by V's posture. His back was leaning against the counter with eyes glued on her as if he alreadt expected her arrival.

   "He is ~ "

  ~ especially the part when he allowed his father to do such towards him.

He meant his grandfather.

Angel Grace: 
   "Coming from you, I feel like my ears has been sanctified."

V just smirked from the sarcasm. Then he moved closer to her as she open the fridge to get a jug of water.

Angel Grace slammed the fridge's door and sighed.

Angel Grace:
   "Officer Choi Minho is scary too. I invited him to accompany me tomorrow evening at the plaza. And I'm pretty sure he will pursue his plans against Officer Hannah."

V sat on the counter and placed the apple aside. He gave her a disappointed look. Either because she asked for his companionship or because her plan didn't work.

   "That was illegal. Are you not scared?"

Angel Grace glared at V.

Scared from what?

   "That you'll be harmed in helping this human, Min Yoongi?"

She finished her glass of water and shrugged her shoulders.

Angel Grace:
    "I badly wanna know the answers as much as you do."

V smirked. He took back the apple on the counter and showed it to Angel Grace.

   "Do you know the reason why the serpent deceived Eve to taste this fruit and offer it to his half?"

Angel Grace rolled her eyes. An implication that everybody knows the reason why.

   "Root cause: jealousy."

He tossed the apple up and suddenly, everything aside from him and the glow of an angel didn't.

With the fruit still in the air, the guardian angel snatched and handed it back to V.

Guardian Angel Hoseok:
    "Hello, V."

V took another bite of the apple and looked at the angel.

   "Why are you keeping yourself hidden from the young Heavens' sight?"

The angel smiled. What annoyed V was his pleasant disposition.

Angel Hoseok:
   "A little privacy for you and me."

   "Calm down, guardian angel. The show has not started yet. You know very well how eager I am to reach the climax of a tragic love story."

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