Greed (6)

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Angel Grace:
   "Hey, Morningstar! Where are you going?"

She followed V with her curiousity. The young man was in a hurry going out from the house.

It wasn't a fine day at all. The sky was dark and a typhoon was said to land on the same day.

Angel Grace:
   "I'm not showing any concern but I guess you heard the news. A typhoon is coming and in case you still wanna live you better not leave."

V stopped from walking and looked at the young woman behind him.

   "Go back inside the house."

He continued walking not minding the strong wind in the area.

To him, it was a great day to deal with GREED.

To deal with Kim Namjoon.

Angel Grace:
   "You are crazy! Why can't you tell me? Everytime you behave that way, I know there's something fishy going on."

V closed his eyes and clenched his fists. He lost his temper to Angel Grace again making him want to bring back Angel Grace to the house.

So he grabbed Angel Grace's arm so the two could instantly go back at the house using his skills of which he had been enjoying since then.

Some sort of teleportation.

But ~

He failed.


Angel Grace pulled her arm and pushed V away.

Angel Grace:

Her arm hurt. And he was ~ confused.

   "Why ~

Angel Grace:
   "Why? That hurt, you asshole!"

V didn't feel the rage from Angel Grace's vulgar words. But how he wasn't able to use his powers.


He wasn't convinced. He couldn't believe either. Was it because he was with Angel Grace? Did his powers really couldn't penetrate on her?

Angel Grace could nullify his powers. Of which he still couldn't understand why.

   "What are you?"

Angel Grace knitted his eyebrows. If there's someone who would be asking that question, it would be her.

Angel Grace:
   "What are you? What are you really, huh? Where do you come from and why are you strangely strange?"

Her eyes were filled with curiousity. She wanted to know  ~ him.

Angel Grace:
   "Who are you?"

V sighed as he looked  at the dark sky. He wanted to tell her like he used to tell her who real one he was. But he didn't want to disappoint her.

He didn't want to scare her.

But why?

    "Do you really wanna know?"

Angel Grace smirked ad she thought V only wanted to get mysterious and all.

Of which he truly was.

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