{20} Unwanted Reunion

Start from the beginning

"There's nothing to fear Yoko-chan~, I won't hurt you..." he mused behind her, voice sounding closer than before.

She started to turn seeing the window in her room open. Broken open, because she hadn't opened it. She gulped as she kept slowly turning her body to face someone she thought was gone forever.

Morizukani Hakusho... Her father.

"I...I thought you were dead..." she managed to speak out. He chuckled.

"Dead? No. Faking it? Yes." He smiled sending shivers down her spine. "You see, I have a friend that can make you seem dead to others, so I faked it. I had a score to settle with a certain policeman your mother knew..." he sighed almost sadly "He knew about you and well...he had to go." Hakusho began to laugh maniacally as Shiyoko gasped.

"Ar-Are...are you talking about...?" She trailed off afraid to say his name.

"Hakumana? Why yes. Yes I am."

"You killed him...?" Shiyoko breathed out in shock. Tears going down her eyes.

Hakumana was his older twin brother. They shared the same quirk as well. Except Hakumana could only lift gravity off of things whereas Hakusho could only crush them with it. He was like a true father to Shiyoko but he had suddenly went missing after her mother's death, now to hear that he was dead...crushed her.

"I had to dear. He was beginning to look for you and your mother. He got news of her death and lost it. So I killed him." He sighed his blue eyes dull holding no regrets.

"What...what do you want!?" Shiyoko yelled hoping someone would hear her. She was planning to make a run for it but first she needed a distraction.

"What I want...? I want my daughter back of course!" Hakusho stated. He smiled and was about to move closer to Shiyoko when--

"Hey!" The door slammed opened and there stood Katsuki with an angry look that quickly morphed into alert and confusion "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house!?" He yelled the moment his eyes landed on the man reaching for Shiyoko.

"Oh? I was not expecting that." He stated standing up straight again.

"Answer my question asshole!" Katsuki yelled small explosions leaving his hands.

"Oh don't mind me. I'm just here to take this extra out of your hands..." With that he picked Shiyoko up by her collar.

"No! No! Stay away!" Her eyes glowed and Hakusho went flying which also caused him to drop Shiyoko in the process.

Hakusho stopped himself from hitting the wall but he remained standing there as if he was in shock. A wide grin formed onto his face and he began to laugh. His laughter raised in volume until Mitsuki ran upstairs hearing the unfamiliar voice. She froze instantly when she saw him.

"You..." her eyes went wide and she began to look around assessing the situation.

Katsuki stood in front of her still in his fighting stance, Shiyoko was on the floor by her bed trembling and Hakusho was still laughing by the window.

"You...you got your quirk! And it's my quirk too! Amazing! Simply amazing!" He continued to laugh.

"Katsuki..." Mitsuki called him softly as she pulled her phone from her pocket. He glanced behind him looking at her. "...get Shiyoko. Right now." She instructed.

Knowing better than to argue he nodded and made his way over to Shiyoko. Just as he reached her bed he was slammed into the wall.

"Ah Ah ah... not so fast." Hakusho clicked his tongue shaking his finger at the struggling Katsuki.

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