Dr Shepherd's tired smile made me stand up on my feet and I looked at him, gulping.

"You're here. Okay, what's going on?" I questioned as soon as he came close to me.

His eyes glanced at me for a moment, as if he was finding the right words.

And he kept staring. It worried me.

I raised my eyes, speak up?!

"Right, the results show that even though he has woken up, a part of his mind isn't as functional as before." The news he broke made me eyes widen and a strange feeling entered my heart.

I knew that things might not be the same as before and I was ready to have him in any way that he as in, all that mattered was his health.

But this sounded scary.


"He'll have trouble remembering things, remembering words, sometimes he might get angry at himself for not being the same, for thinking he's not good enough,"

My heart sank. Hassan thinking he's not good enough? That would be the end of the world.

Hassan's smart mouth and his intellect, his intelligence made him the man that he was. That he is.

"He knows he's a lawyer but what happens in law? He won't know or maybe he will..we can't say."

Being a lawyer was all he had ever dreamed of, all he had ever known. He had almost sacrificed his relationship with me to reach the point where he is today.

Law was all that he knew and more. Law was his life, his heart. Law was his baby.

"But that's his life! Law is his entire life." I argued, as if the Doctor could fix it.

He couldn't.

He could only fix the outside, not the inside.

"Look, this is a road to recovery. Maybe he'll wake up tomorrow and his mind will start working the same way or maybe he'll have to go through years of this."

He explained to me.

Ya Khuda. I'm sorry. I am going to really pray a lot. I'm going to annoy you by praying all the time. Then you'll have no choice but to fix Hassan.

He looked at me with his tired tender eyes. Filled with concern. Maybe he was feeling sorry for the friend he had made in these two months. Or maybe he was feeling sorry for a wife who was desperate to do anything, just so her husband would be alright.

"It all comes to you, Anaaya. You have to take care of him, you have to be patient." He told me.

His hand reaching up to my shoulder and giving it one of his infamous gentle squeezes.

"You can't act too intimate, he knows you're his wife, he remembers you. But that doesn't mean he'll like the things you did before. So remain patient." He explained.

Intimacy was what we had. Intimacy was how we fixed things. Intimacy made it all better.

We would talk the best during those intimate times. Intimacy had brought us this close and had joined our souls.

I still nodded.

It all came down to what Hassan wanted.

"Make sure the children don't ask too many questions, it might confuse him. He's the same Hassan but his mind is a little different." I bit my lip as he explained it all to me.

My babies were five and three. Questions were all they had. How could I explain it to them?

"It all sounds scary."

Humdard. [Sequel] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant