Ch 37: Jimin

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Jimin...Jimin please wake up

A  voice echoed inside my head.

Where was I?



I was floating in a sea of darkness as the images flashed in my mind like a horror film. The beating, the black-out.

I remembered it all...

-2 Hours Earlier-

I stood at the park all day sobbing. I turned off my phone, not wanting to even speak to anyone. I had fucked up and I knew I would be paying the price when I got home but I still couldn't believe Minhyuk did that to me.  

It had gotten late and I knew my parents were pissed off that I didn't come home to make dinner. I was contemplating whether or not I should even go home. I could have gone to Jungkook's house but it was at least an hour away if I walked.

Maybe if I'm lucky, they would be too high to even notice my presence...

I slightly smiled at the thought and walked on home. As soon as I entered the front door, a large hand grabbed my shirt and threw me into the wall.

"You little fucker, who do you think you fucking are!" my father yelled as he slapped me on the face. "You got fired from your job? Are you that fucking retarded!" he added as he grabbed me by my hair as threw me onto the ground.

"Oh it's useless yelling at him, he's just going to cry like a faggot." I heard my mother slurr. She was drunk again as four cans of beer hung around her.

"Fuck you!" I spat. I couldn't believe those words slipped out of my mouth. That was a huge mistake on my part.

My father kicked me hard on the chest and all my oxygen quickly depleted. 

"Hit him again." My mother ordered.

"Shut up bitch!" my father snapped at her. He then kicked my arm to the side and with a sick smile stomped on my arm.


I screamed out in bloody murder to the intense pain on my arm. I knew it was broken due to his fat ass and I had hoped he would just get it over with and kill me.

"Shut the fuck up!" my father yelled as he covered my mouth so that my screams were muffled. "Now look what you made me do. We have to take you pathetic ass to the hospital, do you know how much money that will cost, do ya!" he screamed as he applied pressure to my broken arm.

My body went into a wave of spasms as the pain was unbearable. I began to see black dots in the vision as my father's screaming drowned out and eventually as I drifted into my own little darkness.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't at home. It was a hospital room and next to my bed was Jisoo.

"Oh my god, you're finally awake!" she said with a bright smile. "I was worried you were never going to wake up!" she added.

"How did I get here?" I whispered.

Jisoo's face hardened to that question. She then exhaled a long breath as she looked away. "Believe it or not, your mother was the one who called the ambulance. She got your father arrested. When I saw them take your body away in that stretcher I instantly ran out of my house and begged them to let me come with you. Your mother is on the first floor and she's talking to some cops." she informed.

I stood quite as I listened to her. I tried to move myself to get comfortable but a sharp pain erupted from my arm and I looked down to see a large ugly cast which Jisoo had taken the liberty of drawing pictures on it.

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