Ch 18: Jungkook

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The guilt I felt over the weekend was horrible. Every time Jimin see's me in the treatment center, I know he's going to think it's my cousin Jin who was sick. But then again what could I tell him? That I was going to die in two years, or maybe less, depending on how strong the treatment was? 

I hated this sickness.

I hated those doctors.

I hated dying.

I hated lying to Jimin.

School was one of the factors I was looking forward too. I didn't have to worry so much about my treatment, and I could see Jimin and Jisoo. Some may say school sucks, but its one of my safe havens, besides Jimin.

"Yo! Jungkook!" I heard Taehyung's annoying voice. I really didn't want to speak to him. But I did want to know what his deal was with Jimin, and why he hated him so much.

"Hey Taehyung" I said, not really looking at him. 'What's up?"

"I was thinking about inviting you to a party this Friday, at my place." He said with that stupid smile of his. He was awfully nice considering I told him off in that text last Friday. "It's two blocks down from your place. What? You think I didn't know where you lived?" he said with a slight chuckle.

"Sorry man, I have plans." I replied truthfully.

Taehyung let out a frustrated sigh and stood in front of me. "Are you going out with him?" he asked, presuming he was referring to Jimin.

"No...not really, we are just friends."

"So what's the problem? Just ditch the freaks and come chill with me for a night. I'm having a Dj and everything! It's going to be the hottest part ever!" he said.

Anger was slowing rising itself within me. I was really getting tired of his shit against Jimin as I stomped my foot on the ground and stared at him. 

"What the fuck is your problem with Park Jimin? What did he ever do to you?" I shouted. A few people in the hall stopped to my sudden outburst.

Taehyung's face hardened to that question. "I...Its nothing. I just don't like him." He answered.

"That's it? You just don't like him?! Then leave him alone! Damn-it aren't you the captain of the football team? You're supposed be a fucking leader not a douche bag!" I hissed.

His eyes widened and I could tell I hit a nerve on that part. I was glad I did something because I was sick and tired of him picking on Jimin.

"Hey listen here Jungkook. Normally I'd kick someone's ass for talking to me like that, but I think you're really cool so I'll let you off easy. I'll leave Jimin alone, but that won't change the way I feel for him. He's still a freak and will always be a freak to me." He spat.

I let out a frustrated sigh and nodded. At least it was a small change. "And tell your friends to leave him alone too. And Jisoo as well." I demanded.

"Geeze, you're so demanding aren't you?" he asked, his tone sounded a bit funny, almost seductive. I must have been imagining it.

"Alright, as long as you and your friends leave Jimin and Jisoo alone, we are cool." I said.

"So does that mean you'll come over to my party?" he asked, his eyes were filled with hope.

Yeah right asshole. Like I'd go hang out with fakes like you.

"Nope, sorry, I have plans on Friday." I said, hoisting my back pack over my shoulder.

"Then how about Saturday night? My parents are working late so you practically can stay until midnight. We can watch a movie?" he asked.

I thought about it. I had to go to the treatment center early in the morning and after that I usually sit in my room and text Jimin or Jisoo. I knew if I rejected that offer, he won't leave Jimin and Jisoo alone. I saw it in his eyes. He's that much of an asshole.

"Fine, a movie and that's it. Just give me your address." I huffed.

Taehyung smiled with victory. "Hey give me your phone and I'll jot it down." He said.

I reached into my pocket and handed him my phone. He took it with ease and wrote in his address and gave it back.

"I'll see you on Saturday then." I muttered.

Taehyung grinned as he looped his arm over my shoulder. "Relax Jungkook, we are going to have fun. And I promise to keep my word and leave Jimin alone." He said, making a cross over his heart.

"Whatever Taehyung, let's just get to class." I mumbled as I walked to class.

For the remainder of the day my mind was on auto pilot. Taehyung wouldn't shut up about me hanging out on Saturday. As last period came, I was relieved because I wanted to see the look on his face when I get paired up with Jimin and Jisoo.

"Alright class, I have an announcement. For the remainder of the school year, you will be put into official groups of three. I'm tired of these silly groups of six and more." Mrs. Hann addressed as we entered the class room.

I already saw Jisoo and Jimin sitting next to each other, but I wanted to wait it out. I was standing by the front along with Taehyung and a few of his preppy friends.

"Alright Jungkook, you are going to sit next to..."

Check mate Taehyung. You can't always get what you want.

"Kim Taehyung" She said.

My heart almost stopped. 

"Umm what?" I asked blandly.

"You're going to be partnered up with Taehyung." She said sweetly.

Stupid Bitch! You fucking said I was going to be partnered up with Jimin and Jisoo

"Oh...okay.." I mumbled as Taehyung looped his arm around my shoulder and chuckled.

"Looks like we are partners. Don't look so down dude! I'll help out with the lab work...if it doesn't concern blood or anything." He said.

Fuck off Taehyung..

"Oh...I'm jumping for joy." I spat as I walked over to the table. I took a quick glance over to Jimin and Jisoo and shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't expecting that and neither were they.

After class I walked up to Mrs. Hann and asked why I was partnered up with Taehyung.

"Well its simple. I thought about it over the weekend it turns out if I pair the three of you up, It won't be fair. You three have the highest grades in the class and unfortunately Taehyung and a few others have the lowest. I felt that it would be wise if I paired you up with Taehyung. You two seemed like such good friends and hopefully he can learn something off of you." she told me with a smile.

"Oh...that makes sense." I mumbled.

Great, I'm stuck with Taehyung

"I'll be looking forward to working with him." I added with a small grin. I knew this was going to suck. At least I had Friday to look forward too. I really wanted to kiss Jimin again,  no I actually wanted to do more than that. It's funny how one simple kiss can make everything go away.

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