Chapter 17

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                        The Face Behind My Computer

Chapter 17

"Hey Maddy!" Jen shouts across the table.

"What's up?" Maddy answers.

"You know for someone who has no interest in a guy they met on the internet she sure talk to him a heck of a lot." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Maddy cough, "I know right she has no time for us what so ever lately." her voice pitch up. "I feel neglected by my own best friend." I continue to chuckle my eyes glue to my phone screen.

The girls had been craving for my attention for the past three days. Now that things are back to normal with Richard, we seem to talk every hour of the day. Maddy have been trying to distract me countless of times just with in the few minutes at this table.

We were on our thirty minutes break at the dance studio. I still wasn't allow to dance with everyone else yet. Abby feel that even though I've made some improvements, I need to stay focus and learn to trust myself. I don't know what she means by that though.

"Yeah I feel the same way." Jen confirms. I roll my eyes at their childish behavior.

I lift my head and said, "You do know I'm sitting right here."

They both share glance then look back at me and completely ignore my question. I sip some of my water returning back to my phone.

Rich: How are you coming along with dancing?

Roxanne: Okay. Abby says I'm almost there.

Rich: I know you can do it. Well I got to go.

Roxanne: Thanks. No. Why?

Rich: Babe chit chatting ain't gonna put money in my pocket.

Roxanne: Serious. Drop the act it doesn't suit you.

Rich: Then what suits me?

Rich: Sorry I really have to go. Bye sweetheart ❤😉

Roxanne: Alright bye.

I shove my phone into my bag so it won't be as much of a distraction. I hadn't realize that the café was awfully quiet. Almost too quiet if you ask me. I shrug it of picking up my head to talk to Maddy and Jen, only to find their seats empty. When did they leave. I look around to see if they went to get some fruit cups but they weren't in line in fact there was no one in here besides me.

Some friends I have.

I saw a skinny brunette bouncing her way down the opposite side of the hall, her teeth beaming white when her chocolate eyes land on me. I was actually glad to see her. Ever since Nina left I didn't see Ronda much. We have different schedule for practice so that's not much help.

"Hi Rox!" Ronda greet happily giving me a hug that I return.

"Hey, how are you it's been like forever." I said stepping back to give us space. "What you abandon me once my Nina leaves for London." I said faking hurt.

She laugh. "No!" Her hands went up in surrender. "Its not that. I've just been busy with school and dancing. Plus I was grounded."

"First I want to know who's the guy and what did you do to your brother." I guess a little innocent gist on Ricky wouldn't hurt.

Her mouth open. "How you know?" Then she stood up crossing her arms over her chest. "Geo." she breath.

I knot my eyebrows confuse then remember she was talking about Ricky. This will take longer then I thought to sink in. "Oh no." I said making a face. "Your face actually give out away." Ronda hands went flying over her cheeks that were red. "Ha. Ha. I'll talk to you later. I have to get back to practicing."


I push open the front door dropping my keys into the key blow sniffing the delicious meal that had been prepared for me by Rosemary. She is like my mother eyes around here when she was not present. You know cooking, cleaning---which shes doesn't quite need to when my parents are barley home and I'm always in my room. So keeping thing in order was pretty much all she does.

"Hey Roxanne."

"Hi Rose. How was your day?"

"Not bad. How was school? You still keeping that grades up. Focusing on school and not boys." She give me a mischievous look but her tone was serious. Rose was pretty much my Nanny, she knows more about me then I do. I eat the meal she had prepare  for me then I help her out with washing the dishes before saying goodnight and head upstairs to my room.

I shower change into a clean pair of pj and decided to call Nina. Due to the hours differences I can't just call her anytime and she has school which keeps her busy all the time. The thought of her made me realize how much I miss her.

I quickly type in my password then log onto Skype.

"Rox!" Nina scream waving at me.

"Oh my gosh is that a nose pierce! Nina!" I yell shock to see the small crystal shinning from my thirteen year old sister nose. I'm sorry if you think I'm overreacting but she is too young for that. "Is this why you wanted to go to London! What has gotten into you young lady! I want an explanation now!" I ramble on heartbroken that she'd do such a thing to her body.

Nina sigh rolling her eyes at me. "It was an experiment. "

"You call putting a earring in your nose an experiment!" she node her head to my obvious question.

"Yeah see..." she trial of and I saw her picking in her nose.

"Ew Nina that's nasty."

"See. All. Gone. No permanent damage to my skin. Nothing." She was right her nose was as good as new. Now I feel stupid for my outburst. I guess I was just happy to see her. "Before you start. Its okay I did it to see your reaction! I even got a picture of it. See." 

"That's better not go on facebook." I warn. I look ugly if you were wondering.

Nina yarn a couple of times and couldn't help but to notice the dark bags that from under her eyes and her eye them-self were red. "How are things with you and Ricky?" yarn. "Did you two hit it off on the first date?" I cough choking on my spit. "Are you okay!"

I put my hands up nodding. "Yeah. Yeah. What makes you think that me and Ricky will every be a thing? I will never go out with my school player even if we were the last two people on earth!"

"Rox you can't just judge people without getting to know them. Did you at least talk to him."

"Of course and that only ended with him harassing me everyday in school."

"I think I should let you have some sleep. We can talk about this some other time."

"But I'm not tire-"

I shook my head. "Alright love nite. I mean morning." I said waving to Nina. Our call soon ended and I turn off my laptop lay in bed drifting to sleep.


Needs Editing

Here is the other chapter like promised. Thought I slow down and breath for a minute. Well I hope you enjoyed it. It wasn't as interesting.

Thank you all for reading.

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Picture on the side is~~~~> Maddy


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