Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The face behind My Computer

He stood on the opposite side of the lot wearing his signature leather jacket with white tee underneath. He shot me a breath taking smile, but from my blasé expression his smile almost instantly vanishes and was replace with one of concern. I did not really care in that moment about how he felt because, I did not care. They were all the same. And I do not know why I keep getting myself mix up with them. I tear my eyes away from his stare and begin to walk towards the school building. I did not want to be bother by anyone right now. 

"Ay! Rox!" My heart drops at the sound of Sam voice, but he was nowhere to be seen. I stop in my step and look around only to see him jogging behind me. Oh gosh he was the last person I planned on running into this morning. Should I ignore him and continue walking? No that will just cause him to draw more attention to me. When he reaches me he throws his heavy arm over my shoulders causing my scarf to roll down. I just have to act normal so he won't get any idea.

"Morning Sam." I said shrugging him off me.

"Ay. Um there is something I have been meaning to talk to you about." He said hesitantly.

"Which is?" I responded with announce hint in my voice.

"You know what it's nothing." He said but I know it was more than nothing because he was giving me that look. "Alright I'll see you later." He says giving me a wet kiss on the cheek then walk off in the direction I just came from. I cry out in disgust as, I immediately whip my cheeks dry. Sighing I push the double doors open and was embrace by this wave of killer heat, that smack hit me in the face.

Oh boy, can this day get even worst.

I made my way to my locker and took out the material needed for my first three classes. I was just about to head towards my first period class when I was stop by a guy. I'm not surprise instead I was beyond annoy. "Hey, Roxanna. Right?" I pull one of my famous nonchalant face and apparently he did not get the hint.

I did not say anything. I just stood there with him babbling my lashes waiting to hear what was the reason behind him stopping me. Having had enough of his presence, I turn around and begin to walk away. That was until...

"Wait." The guy says and in that split second a hand grab holds of my wrist making me to come to a stop. Slowly but surely I wheel on my heel. My eyes shifting from where his hand was to him. How dare he put his hand on me. "Aren't you going to give me a chance at least. So we can get to know each other at least."

My jaw flinch as I stare hard into his eyes. "You know what drop the tough girl act. We both know that you are no Angel." He leans in closer to my ears and whispers. I could feel his slimy finger creeping its way under my shirt. "So what do we say meet me out back in ten."

My mouth ajar slightly as my hand clench into a fist by my side. I was far from feeling whatever it is that he was feeling. I raise my hands and before knew it my right hand came in contact with his jaw. The guy stumble backwards and cry out in pain. "You're right I am no angel. But the next time you lay a finger on me, I will do more than slap some sense into you."

"You stupid bitch!" He exclaims as he stands upright.

The Face Behind My Computer "Rewritten"Where stories live. Discover now