Chapter 33

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The Face Behind My Computer 

Chapter 33

It was a struggle getting out of bed this morning. The thought of going to the studio haunt me. Today we are going to be there for six hours with a few breaks here and there. But with only a week left to get our routines down Abby going to be the big bad wolf for god knows how long. I open my drawer and took out a pair of black yoga pants and threw on a tank top. I remember to put extra clothe in my duffel bag. I gather my belongings and head down stairs.

The house was awfully quiet seeming it was just eight in the morning. I went into the kitchen and scramble in the cabinet for some to eat. I saw a box of granola bars and shove it into my bag with three bottles of water and sunny d juice.

When I got into my car there was a buzzing sound coming from the back seat. I saw my phone lying on the leather seat, with a picture of Maddy on the screen. "Hello." I answer yawning.

"Where are you?" She asks in a panicky tone.

"Outside my house about to come pick you girls up." I heard Maddy scream on the other end and there was this unsettling feeling in my stomach. "Maddy what's going on? Is everything okay?" They were no reply. Soon the only sound I could hear was the dialing tone indicating our call had ended.

You can just imagine the type of thoughts going through my head. I hope that nothing bad happened. I hope she didn't kill someone--she not even capable of killing a spider. What am I saying!

I started the ignition put the car in reverse and slowly back out of my driveway. I most have been driving over the speed limit of twenty five because it took me less than five minutes to get to Maddy house. And you won't believe what I saw.

"This was why you scream over the phone." I throw my hands uo talking to Maddy.

"Well yeah. Our friend is going through a heartbroken transition phrase." I narrow my eyes at her. Dramatic much.

"I thought someone was trying to kill you. Or you killed someone."

"I do not have the guts to kill someone. How dare you accuse me of such accusations?" Maddy palace a hand over her heart. I couldn't think of anyone more perfect for Sam.


"Is it really that bad?" Jen ask.

"No I like the new look. It gives you this sharp edge." I answer truthfully. There was no other way to describe how she looks. I never would have thought Jen will go with black dye and get a nose piercing all in one night. "Why did you do it?"

Heard her sigh. "I just needed a change. I need to start over fresh." I node not going any further with questions. I comprehend exactly what she meant. But I wonder if she was driven to do this suddenly change because she was angry. The Hen I know never takes an action without thinking it over.

The ride to the studio was tense because Jen was awfully quiet and both Maddy and I was itching for answer on her break up with Max. I never saw that coming--well I have been living under a rock for a year. Still curious about Jen break up i turn the radio on to lighten the mood. But that didn't work.

Long scrip sleeves shirt that had barley no room to breathe. She had on a black flattery mini skirt with jacket vest, grey scarf, panties holes and ankle heel boots. What stun me the most was the amount of makeup she wore. This was unlike her. Jen is more of a light and simple type of girl. Her hair was curl down to her shoulders. Jen look amazingly pretty but it wasn't her.

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