Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Nina are you ready!" I yell down the hall steping out of my room.

"Uhh. I'm almost ready. Met you down stairs!" she call back. I stumble down the stair put my coat on once reaching the front door.  "I'm ready." a out of breath Nina said flying down the stairs. I giggle shaking my head.

My mouth drop once my eyes landed on her. Words could not even describe how I'm feeling right this moment. It wasn't till then when reality slap me hard in the face. My baby sister was growing up. She wore a fitted white skinny jeans, a whitetank top and a blue lace to with the Chanel flats I bought her. 

I was so overwhelm with happiness. "What?" Nina snap. I shook my head wrap my arms around her small frame. "Why are you crying?"

"Mom! Mom come in here quick!" I yell. Not long Mom came haste out the living room and froze dead in her track. The look on her face match my the second I saw her.

"Is anybody going to tell me what's going on?" Mom was crying at this point she had somehow manage to propel to us and pull Nina into bone crushing hug. "What's the matter? Why are you guys crying?"

"I love you sweetie." mom exclaim.

"Okay you guys are starting to scare me. Dad! Dad I think there's something wrong with Rox and Mom!"

In no time dad came haste down the stair but hualt gaining from ear to ear. This was getting weird for Nina by the minute. Least did she know we were just proud to see that shes comfortable with the 'new' her. We have been waiting years for this day and to know that it is today we are more then overjoyed.

"Sweetie you look beautiful." Dad exclaim making Nina blush in the process.

After that complements from left to right was being thrown at her. She frown after we told her we were just shock to see her all dress up and not in sweat pants with baggy t- shirts.

"You guys had me worry? I thought you didn't like my outfit."

"No! No it perfectly fine!" I assure her before she start to have second thought. Said our good byes head out for my car and we were of to the theater.


We wander around the mall from store to store. We had decided to see the permire of 'One Direction This Is Us'. If I told you that over a thousand teenage girls were here to see it would you believe me. Well you better.

My head was pounding, from the screaming 1D fans including my sister. Why did I let her talk me into agreeing to see this movie.

"Because she's your sister and you promise to make this the best three weeks for her." the voice in my head said. I inwardly growl.

"Do you mind if we stop by Diana's I want to buy something?" I raise an eyebrow follow by a node in respond. Nina grin for the first time in so long. I would have broken down then and there but got hold of myself.

Whilst walking to Diana's I couldn't help but recognize Willson High player with a bunch of teenager boys. They seem to be around Nina age. It was as if he knew I was staring at him. He turn and we lock eyes contact, a stupid smirk play it's way on his plump lips. I frown in disgust taking him aback. I then notice he was headed our way.

"Oh god!"

"Come on Rox it will only take a few minutes." Nina pull me into what I'm guessing is 'Diana's'. Without hesitation I allow her to lead me into the women guardmaid store, please to be remote from the Mr. Player.

The Face Behind My Computer "Rewritten"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ