Chapter 28

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The Face Behind My Computer

Chapter 28

"I'm sorry I thought she said sparkle, sparkle, sparkle twenty five." Maddy and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

"How does step, step, step, spin around, sound like whatever it was you said!" I remark adjusting my duffel scrap.

Jen groan folding her arms and pouting. "Well it's not my fault she had food in her mouth!"

"She's so caught up in Max that she couldn't do the routine correctly." Maddy shot back.

"Whatever." Jen said flipping her hair over her shoulder and speed walking in front of me. Maddy and I continue to laugh our heads off at how many times Jen was called out before the entire class. It was awful of us to laugh but what are we supposed to do--I mean she was shown the routine six times from two people. As long as I've known Jenny she never let anything to overpower her thoughts. That is if it has to do with Max.

I've thought about it a couple of time and figured that she along with Maddy has taught me a huge lesson about life and relationships in general. They are the sun that pushes my dark clouds away.

Too deep in my thoughts I was startled when Maddy elbow me on my right arm and Jen nudge me. Completely and utterly baffle I narrow my eyebrows at the, making it look as if I was frowning. "What is the matter?" I ask in a very dead and annoyed tone.

Allowing my eyes to aimlessly roam the foyer I notice how Danny the front desk lady was texting her fingers away instead of doing her job. "You're boyfriend is here." Not comprehending what exactly it was that Maddy was saying scrunches my face up in disgust.

Before I could even put my hand up to wave at Ricky, he storm out of the building. He whips his phone out of his pocket looking fairly angry. Someone most have push that button of his. "BTW he's not my boyfriend." I said in a stuck up girly voice.

Leading the way outside Sam and max were parked in front of the building leaning casually against their. They are hook on the idea of them being swim suit model. Well I guess I can see the potential in that actually becoming a reality. "Hey boys." I greeted them.

"Hey Rox." Max and Sam said in unison before their girlfriends jump in their arms. A warm smile spread across my face as I admire their love for each other.

"I will see you guys later." I shout waving at them. I made jog towards my car. When I reach it I threw my bag in the back seat and hop into the driver seat.


"Hi Roxanne." Roselin my mom maid more like house care because she only ever comes around when my parents travels or if she has busy schedule around here. "How was your dance class today?"

"Eh it was the same. I still need more practice." I said honestly. "Oh before I forget I'm having my Jen, Maddy and Max coming over dinner so I was hoping if you would help me make dinner.

She throw a warm smile my way and said, "Of course no problem. I'll get started as soon as I finished dusting.

"Uh why don't I go change and come down to help you." I suggested. Roselin agreed not hesitant at all and I went upstairs to my room to change.

Being embrace by the emptiness of this house sort of trigger something in me. Is this how I will end up in the future? I will be a loner with no one to share my accomplishment with. How long will I continue to go on like this? Seeing the smiles on my friends face when they were in their boyfriends hand made me wonder, how that felt like. I want to be able to smile like that again.

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