Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up to the bright October sun, with a huge smile planted on my face as I sat up to stretch. On regular days I would be mad that I have to wake up so early for school, but today I was in a good mood. Last night I talked to Richard. Talking to him made me feel insouciant. He made me forget about getting hurt again in a relationship,and what I have been missing in being friend with a guy. He is a very sweet guy but I don't want to rush into things so I decided to be friends with him and see how our feelings toward each goes. For all I know he lives in the same town as me but nerve mention which high school he attends. Long distance relationship is not my thing. I was really looking forward to talking to him again.

I literately jumped out of bed propel toward my closet and pull out a plaid blue and red button down shirt, with white tank top, dark blue skinny jeans and my black all star converse. I went to my bathroom hop into the shower, let the hot water to open my pulse and relax my tense, swore muscles. I wash my hair with my favorite vanilla shampoo and conditioner two times loving the feeling of my hair and the smell of it. I got out the shower warp a towel around me and made my way to the sink to brush my teeth. I walk out the bathroom into my room to get dress.

About thirty minutes later I step into the hall and maneuver carefully toward my sister room. I crack the door open leaving a small amount of space to peek through. There she was sound asleep I had her up all last night telling her about Richard and my decision. " Poor thing was stuck listening to me and my boys problems. " I whisper, but she didn't same to mind at all last night.

I headed to my car hopped in and drove down the road to pick up Jen and Maddy. When I arrive at Jen house the girls were already outside in the driveway and Maddy had both her shoes on. They rush into my car taking their usual seat Jen in the passenger seat and Maddy in the back.

"Good mor- " I was etch off and frowned a little.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah good morning to you to now spill." Maddy said rather to fast for me to comprehend.

I look at her dumbly with an arch eyebrow. I had some intricate to what she had just said.

"Oh com' on tell us about you and Richard. " Jen whine.

"Okay well, I talked to him and found out what a complete jerk he was for only wanting to sleep with me. " I lied through my teeth. Looking at the girls faces almost made me to burst out with laughter, but I pursed my lips together to hold it back. The look they had on their faces were so priceless. Their mouth were in the shape of an "O" with wide eye. I couldn't hold it in much longer I bent over crouching my stomach from all the laughing it was starting to hurt.

They blink at me two time before saying in sync, " What is so funny?" I just continue pointing my index finger at their faces.

Breathing I try to get a hold of myself and said, " Your faces were priceless."

" I can't believe you fool us like that now tell us." Maddy whined crossing her hands over her chest.

I put both my hand up in surrender, " Kay! Kay!" I diverted in my seat so I was facing both Jen and Maddy before continuing. "So we talk for six hours straight-" I was etch off once again by their screaming. I swear I'm going to go deaf one of these days. I sat there quietly waiting for them to shut up their big ass mouth. When they did I told them everything from our likes and dislike and what we share in common. I also told them about the whole claiming me to be his and that he lives here in our town. I was debating on whether or not to tell them I wanted to be friend with him and not rush into anything.

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