Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The rest off the evening went by fast we spent the time watching movies-of course I sat in bewteen the love birds. I wanted to make it their wrost date ever. After the movie I had Nina and Ronda go up to her room whilst I speak to Pretty Boy. You know us getting our bonding moment. I mean I don't bite- dad might though.

"So what's up. Tell me about yourself." I said examining his body language. He most definitely had one of confidence reminding me of someone.

He lean forward resting his hand on his knees. "Well there's nothing really much about me." he responds in a dry tone.

"Well Pretty Boy if you want to sit here swooping salvia with my baby sister you better start talking." his head shot up with disbelief, his mouth hanging open. "And besides I already know so much about you. I just want to hear it from you."

"Ronda." his eyes travel to the carpet as he mumbled under his breath. His shoulders slouch as though he had been defeated all confidence was gone.

"Now are you going to drop the Pretty Boy act and talk to me like a person." I said smoothing and he node.

He release a breath sitting back in the couch. "I'm a straight A's student at Bristol High. I'm currently in the tenth grade. I play basketball, and love the drums." he smile at the last part and suddenly thoughts of Richard came to me they both seen to have the passion for drums. "I have a twin sister- which you've already meet. A older brother about your age- which I'm sure you already know about because of my sister big mouth."

I smile at him still shock he makes straight A's in school. I guess he takes school seriously. I ask him if he would like to help me get started on dinner. Thankfully he agree with no hassle. I lead him into our kitchen and directed him to where the each ingredient were.

He look at me and said, "Why don't you tell about yourself? " I guess the table just flip.

"What do you want to know?" I exhale. "My life isn't to say."

"How did you meet my sister?"

I laugh looking at him with a 'are you serious' look. Well if he insists. "Okay. I meet her when I was practising for my solo dance a day ago. When she came in. She recognized me and started having a full on screaming session." I shrug.

He chuckle and ask, "Who are you?"

"You mean who I was." I correct Pretty Boy. "I use to be one of ... best dancer at Abby's Studio. We won so many companionship. The girls all believed I was born to be a dancer." I giggle getting the pot and putting in some rice.

"Oh! No way!" he exclaim grinning showing his perfectly white teeth. "Wait till I tell Geo! I met his girl!" my mouth shape in an circle, my eye's looking everywhere but him. I think this kid gone crazy. He clear his throat then ask, "What happened?"

"But then everything crash. Dancing for me just isn't as fun no more." I shrug my shoulders.

Our conversation soon die off, as Pretty Boy help me prepare dinner. We dance around the kitchen me handling the stove and him...well he was my assistant, running around to fitch me spices, dishes or cooking utensils. I have to say it was pretty fun cooking with him.

He knew what he was doing and did not mind getting dirty while mixing the brownie batter. I put him in charge of the desert. Now I know that was a risky move of me but I need to know how good of a baker he brags to be.

I finished up frying the boneless white chicken place one in each of the six plates that lined up on the island. I then dish out the white rice I cook earlier into each plate, with mash potatoes, sweet corn and lastly on the side some tomatoes soup and garlic bread. Pretty Boy request.

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