Chapter 32

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The Face Behind My Computer

Chapter 32

I am on my way to the cafeteria when I spot Ricky standing by his locker withdrawing some things. I have been avoiding the topic of what happened yesterday at my house. I don't know what exactly happened but it felt like something deeper. Something I can't explain.

He wasn't wearing his usual everyday wear instead he had on wash blue jeans a blue v neck t-shirt with a grey sweater. But like always all he had to do was stand there and look gorgeously hot.

While standing there a girl that looks to be a lower grade suddenly appears and jumps on Ricky back. She had a beautiful caramel complexion with bushy curly hair. She dresses like your typical freshman would match shirt and shoes. Now I know that it's wrong to judge but I'm just saying this so no one can get lock up. I just hope that there is nothing going on between them because if anything happens he can be charge with act of rape.

Why am I saying this like he's not aware of his actions. Why the heck do I even care?

"Ah thank you." The girl said hugging him. "I passed!"

"Congratulations!" he said parting from the hug. He wore a distress expression that he try to cover with a smile. "I hope you keep up the good work and use the technique I give you."

"I will. Thanks again." The girl said walking away. He turns back to his locker and took out a yellow envelope then stare at it for a long time. There was something troubling him. His face was wash as he stares at the envelope like his life was counting on it. Ricky shakes his head, shoves the envelope into his locker, grab his bag and slam the locker shut. Just as he turns to storm down the hallway Ricky came to a sudden halt.

I had not notice that he was staring at me with ambivalent. I mentally curse myself for not minding my business. I feverishly scan the hallway thinking of a way to get out of this awkward situation. I should just run. I thought to myself.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I began to struggle for air. Why am I even panicking? I did nothing wrong. I wasn't eavesdropping or anything. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. With my mouth ajar I pray that something, anything could come out but it wasn't happening. I loathe this odd behavior of mine. I m not a criminal!

"Hey," Ricky waves. I look to my right then my left debating on which way to go.

Looking back at him I had expected him to be giving me a rather baffling expression, but instead he was laughing. "I...I..." Without a second thought I dash down the hallway my legs moving as fast as they could possibly go.

Why the heck did I just freeze?
I am such a freak!

"Ay Roxanne!" I heard his voice from behind me. But all I could think about was running fast.

Seeing the open cafeteria door ahead of me was a breath of relief. I took a deep breath and speed walk pass people and through tables. I found the girls sitting at our usual table and I hurried over to them. "Whoa!" Jen exclaims. "Why are you in such a hurry?" I shook my head waving her off.

"Oh Jen you haven't heard. Roxanne's going on a date with Ricky. Maybe that's who she's runny from." Jen gasp choking on her food. "Haven't you heard of chewing?" Maddy snap patting Jen on the back we go a few stares from the people sitting around us.

"W...What! When was this?" Jen ask. "I swear Rox you don't tell us anything anymore."

I swing my feet under the table so that I would be facing the girls. I mean to tell them it's just I want to figure things out first. "I'm s--" I was etched off by someone.

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