Chapter 29

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The Face Behind My Computer 

Chapter 29

"Well. Well. Well. What do we have here Jen?" It all happens so fast my phone was snatch out of my hands by the evil Maddy. I practically die momentarily from a mini heart attack.

Internally weeping for my phone I notice the house was quieter than a couple of minutes ago. "Where are the boys?" I ask with one eyebrow raise.

Maddy chuckle as she continues to swing my phone in mid air. "They went over Max's place an hour ago after we cleaned up." Jen points out snarling at me.

I shrug saying, "I cook you clean."

"What was so important that you had to leave during the movie?" Maddy question sound demanding. If she wasn't my best friend I would have attack her to get my phone.

I was practically blood red by now if that was possible. "I was talking to Richard." Not expecting their reaction to cause me my eardrums, I press both hands over my ears. As soon as they were done making noise the questions started slapping me.

How did it happen? What did he say? How did he react? How did you react when he answered? How does he feel about the loose of communication between you two? How do you feel about him?

I put my hands up in surrender. "Whoa, girls one question at a time."

"Yes. Yes, before you start this sounds like I need to get myself a slice of cake." Jen pause by the door. "That reminds me the guys took the other cake with them." My face drop, I will personally murder those boys with my bare hands. All my hard work of appreciation is going down to their stomachs. Those ungrateful apes.

"That was a thank you cake or Roselin." I threw my hands in the air. But I was not going to let that ruin my happy moment. Jen whisper a sorry and said she tries restraining them from getting to it. Before leaving she point to Maddy and I warning us to not start without her.

Whilst Jen was out of the room I continue to beg Maddy for my phone. She decided to give to me unless I agree with her bargain. "Under one condition." She teases me with my phone.

"What." I give her a weird look. She is known to be the trouble maker of the group despite that innocent face that my cousin is blinded by. I remember the last bargain I made with her left me grounded for one month-- technology two because my parents was traveling.

"You have to help me with the birthday surprise I am planning for Sam." She said with the biggest grin.

"Just to make sure...Is it anything illegal?" She looks taken aback but shakes her head no.

"Then fine." I sight. Just then Jen walks into the room holding a big slice of cake and a glass of milk.

"Fine." She frantically look between Maddy and I. "Fine what! I told you guys to wait for me." Jen whines taking her place on my bed. Maddy drop my phone in my hands climbing on the bed.

Maddy wave her off. "Calm down I was just letting her in on my surprise for Sam birthday."

I am hesitant to ask what the surprise I had agreed to take part in was. "Yea what is it?" Jen spoke my thought out.

"Later first I want to hear what Rox has to say." They turn to look at me but I did not know where to start.

"So I send the first message to him when I arrived home." They both node then gesture me to go on. "Well he did not reply right away. To be exact he replies during the movie that was why I screamed. I guess I was scare, shock and surprise all at once." I went on telling them about my mini panic attack when I came up to my room. Then I give them my phone to read Richard and I conversation. The whole time they were in awe and making remarks for everything.

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