Chapter 30

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The Face Behind The Computer

Chapter 30

It's finally Tuesday the second day of the week meaning there is three more days to go. Whoop! Whoop! Can this week drag by any slower?

The problem with me and school is--well I don't hate it that's for a fact. I don't love it either maybe if the lessons were more interesting and had something to do with present day stuff I will and many others will agree with me on this that kids may take schools more serious. But that is still up to them how they want to continue their lifestyle. Well there is not much I can do about it but suck it up and get the credits need to graduate.

Will Durant states, "Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance." And I couldn't agree more.

There was a nudge on my side and I jump a little frighten. Jen mouth a sorry but then points to her right. I stop walking and tilt my head but did not see anything.

"Your man is sitting over there." Maddy stated. I arch my brows confuse glancing to my right. Then it hit me.

"Can you guy seriously stop that!" I exclaim having had enough of their childish behavior. As I was about to look away Ricky lock gaze with me and a huge smile plaster his face. My heart stop literally. He had the most beautiful smile ever. Yes I'm weird but a guy with his reputation and image smiling you don't see it much. And man does he know how to wear it.

"Hey Ricky." I wave at him. He was sitting on his car with his friend. He hops of the hood of the car and propel towards us. His smile grows bigger as he approach us.

He came to a stop keeping a good distance between us with his friend next to him. "Hi." Ricky breathes out still grinning. I don't think that I have ever seen anyone so happy before. At least he was not so beat up like yesterday. I did not know what to do or say because nothing i would have said that moment would have matter or made a difference.

I'm not sure but there is definitely something about him. "Well I'm Maddy is this is Jen. We are Rox best friends." I was caught off guard. Ricky node his head and extend his arm to shake their hands.

Then someone clear their throat. "Oh and this is my friend Matt." Ricky introduces before shifting his gaze on me. "But you two already met."

Matt extends his arms and shakes my hand looking at me. "Yes we have. Hi." He looks between me and Ricky. "My friend talks about you all the time." I arch my eyebrows amuse, definitely not missing that punch given to him by Ricky.

"Oh he does..." I began but trail of as I glance at a slight pink cheeks achy neck Ricky. He avoids any eye contact with me.

"Not all the time. It was only what once or twice." He defines himself scratching the back of his neck.

I let out a giggle. "Ow that doesn't make it better bro!" Maddy exclaim instigating. Now why will Matt put Ricky on the spot like that? Nonetheless it was funny to see him under the heat.

"Well I just hope its good stuff he says about me." I added.

Matt opens his mouth and said, "Oh trust me he does. Like the other day he told me that you..." everything after that was muffled due to Ricky hand covering his mouth. I knotted my eyebrows pouting it would have been nice to get some dirt from him.

Why is Ricky talking about me? What does he say? Matt is about to become my new best friend. "I think that's enough now." Ricky scowls reluctantly releasing his hand from over Matt mouth.

When Matt was finally free he shot Ricky a look that says I'm getting you for this. "Well isn't that a coincidence cause Rox talk about you all the time too." Maddy blurts out. I swear this girl is the death of me. Ricky shot me a mischievous smirk and a wink.

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