Chapter 12

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The Face Behind My Computer

Chapter 12

I can't believe it I'm going to be late for class. Nothing is going right today. It's all my fault first I woke up late cause I stayed up all night chit chatting with Richard. This is becoming an everyday thing now-- you know talking to him for long hours when I should be sleeping.

Anyway then I couldn't find my shampoo so I was having a bad hair day. When I picked up the girls we got stuck in traffic for twenty minutes. We arrive to school and I drop them at the front and  just when I thought that the day couldn't get any worst I spot Mr. Player walking up to me with his signature smirk. Please not this again. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, well it the fact that ever since our encounterment at his house he has been harrassing me.

I obviously avoiding him by acting as though he's not there or give him a short answer. What look like distance between us soon turned into centimeter. Before I knew it our breath were fighting a battle.

"Well. Well. Look what we have here." he state. I roll my eyes crossing my arms over my chest.

"What do you want?" I inquiry bitterly. His hand flicker up to clinch his chest faking like my words had hurt him.

Mr. Player chuckle as he lift his hand place a finger on my chin. "You know you are cute when I get you all work up." if I could blush then my face would be as red as a...that soon turn into anger. "You make me hard." he wiggle an eyebrow. My face drop I became a angry bull where he was my target.

I whack his hand from my face yelling word that I will not repeat because of the horrifying memories they may bring back. The late bell ring and I ole so badly want to scream on the top of my lungs. Without speaking another word to him I side step him ready to scurry down the empty hall.

I felt a wave of heat on a lower part of my body. He just smack my butt. "You're so filthy!" I squeak out with a high pitch. This didn't strick hime in anyway instead his smirk expended. 

"You know you like it!"


I sat in the back seat of my dad car. Silence fills the atmosphere amongst us beside the radio. We have been driving for an hour now. I stared out the window counting each car that passes us. We took a right turn and the tall building came in clear view. There were cars all over, picking up or dropping off their love ones. I can't believe it's been three weeks already. I abhorrent to see her go and knowing that I won't be there to protect her hurt me even more.

A warm pair of hand cups mines and I entwine our fingers giving it a tight squeeze. I knew I had to stay strong for her and mom. I told her I will call her once a week and we will video chat every Friday and Saturday. I could tell she was on the verge of crying, the way her hands shook in mine, her eyes crystal with tears, her nose red like Rudolf.

We step out of the car hand in hand taking baby steps to the large glass door. My parents walk in front of us carrying Nina suitcase. Dad held the door open for us as we enter the main entrance of Green Hills Airport.  I climb the last stair to the second floor and right in front of me was gate F "London". The second I saw the sign my heart momentarily stop beating.

"Ann. I love you. I'll be okay." Nina embraces me into a warm huge. She hasn't called me Ann in a very long time. I force a smile. "Oh and don't forget to call me."

"I won't and be safe okay!" I shouted as she walks off to the gate door where my parents were waiting to say their good byes. "I love you!" I blow her a kiss.

After she said bye to my parents we all watch her leave with huge smile on our faces. They weren't smile of joy but smile of fears, hope and love. We went back to the car and drove back in silence for another hour. Everyone lost in their own thoughts. A tear drop roll down my cheek and I instantly dry it off with my sleeve.

My sister was not always the strong, brave young girl she is now. When she lived here she would always come home crying because some girls in her school bullied her for her weight. I always told her to not listen to them, to keep her head high, be the bigger person and walk away. I would tell her that if she is sick and tired of them she needs to stand up for herself. Then they started to call her ugly and Nina let them get to her, so last year she signed up for the gym and everyday she would work herself out. I was feed up with the saturation, I and my parents went to her school and talk to the principle and I personally talked to the girls. Nina returned to school weighing one hundred pounds, but nothing change the girls bullied her for the stupidest reason. She took my advice and walked away, she became more confident, made lots of friend and she even stood up to her bullies. Then she decided to apply for Elizabeth Technical Academy in London to start of fresh.

I am proud of Nina for growing out of that shy shell she was in for all her childhood life. She is my sister and I will not sit there letting some bitch talk crap to her. The sounds of the car door snap me out of my thoughts. I look up to see we were park in front of our mansion. Mom and dad will be leaving today as well for a business trip.

I made my way to the staircase when Roselin our maid stoped me. "Excuse me Roxanne." She's not here very much only for special occasions or for business day's. My parents do this every time Nina leaves back for London. They pack up to heavens know where leaving me in this humongous house alone. They figure that running away will ease the pain they have, they have to adapt to the favt that she's not here anymore.

"Yes." I answer turning to face her. There was a huge smile on her face.

"A bouquet of red roses came for you when you were out. I took it up to your room." she said her smile growing. My eyes grew wide. Who would send me a bouquet of red roses? I thank her and bolted to my room. I push the door open with so much force emerging into my room. My breath caught in my mouth when I saw it. There it was on my desk was the most beautiful sixteen dozen roses I've ever seen. I approach it my finger stroke each petal and my nose could not resist the sweet smell of it. There was a card on the side. I opened it and there was a poem.

"Why is it we cry when we lose someone close to us?

Why do we fall when things get hard?

Why do we hind from our fears

Why do we see others in different ways? 

Why is it I can't get you out of mine mind?

Why am I writing this?........I like you a lot?

Why can't you say YES to being MINE GIRL."

From Richard

I was speech. Did he just ask me out?


Needs Editing

I know it's short I just wanted to keep it simple.


This Chapter is dedicated to Just_Another_Name she been such an amazing supporter and I will like to take this time to tell her Thank You, and I appreciate all your lovely comments and votes. Everyone go and check out her book 'Traveling with Love'.

Pictures on the side is Nina, Ronda and Riley

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