Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Come on Nina let set the table." I exclaim, walking into the dining room with four plates, spoons, knives, forks, and the napkins. I set them down on the table, getting started on setting the table. After I had every thing in place Nina finally walk in with the drinking glasses. "Too late."

"I'm sorry Rox. I was talking to Emma about what I've miss." Nina stutter. I stop half way near the door.

"You are the worst lier there is on this earth." I tease shaking my head. There was no way she was talking to Emma, it is probably like full day in the morning in London right now, if I am not mistaken. So that means she was talking to someone that wasn't Emma. Perhaps a boy. "It was him wasn't it." I said enthusiasm dripping from my mouth.

She croaked her eyebrows giving me a dumbfounded look. "What?"

"You know. The cutie from last night." I press on hoping she would catch on and start spilling the jeez. "Um..What was his name?"

"Riley." she said, the blood instantly rush to her cheeks turning it to a light shade of pink. I wiggle my eyebrows, sending kissy faces her way, before walking out the dining room into the kitchen.

                            My baby sister is really growing up. The old Nina would have never spoken to Riley or even acknowledge him. I just don't want her to make foolish, reckless decision I've made in the past. I want her to put her foot down when in a relationship. No means no, point blank. I just want to protect her from the world of heartless guy's.

                          Tonight we were having a simple all american dish spaghetti and meatballs and salad with garlic bread sticks. Deciding to make two trips and then back for the drinks, I pick up the blow off salad, with bread sick, and took that back into the dining room first.

                            After everything was set and the tale was consume of food my parents joined us, they both sat at either ends of the table, joining hands. We are not full religious people but we do believe in god and that if it was not for him what would this world be today. Where would my parents get the money they have now to provide for us.

                          We all bow our heads as daddy said a sort prayer. "God thank you for today. Thank you for taking us through it as a family. For providing this food and nourishing it in our body. Amen." he ended, and we all join saying 'amen'.

"So how did your solo practice go today Rox. Any good outcome." mom broke the silence hanging over us. I twirled the spaghetti on my fork shoving it in my mouth.

"At first it was horrible. But then I meet this girl Ronda and she really encourage me to keep dancing. I mean the results I got was okay but not as good enough. It will never be the same." I murmur the least bite but it seems that everyone caught it. The tension in the air between mom and was discomforting, and the way she pick up her spaghetti with disgust, I knew she wanted to say something.

                              See my parents don't know exactly what happened since I refuse to tell them ashamed, and disgusted of myself. Because of that my relationship with mom have been on a risky scale. She clearly confronted and agree she won't pressure me, that when ever I am ready to talk I should come to her and daddy.

                            But for some reason there is always this... almost like a rivalry with me and her. Dancing is the only thing both of us share, and I think that the fact that just throw away dancing is actually what causing this conflict in our relationship. She wants to live her dreams through me, and now that I have given up, she sees me as a disappointment.

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