Chapter 46. Joking

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SG walks into the kitchen Bianca gets up fast following him. Grabbing his shirt trying to get him to look at her. She steps in front of him making sure to divert his attention . " Baby I was just trying to make you mad it was a joke."

SG closes the fridge and looks at her in a weird way"Oh I know already." Bianca looks at him she kinda felt bad cause it was rather childish but at the same time he should be used to jokes and prank they did them all the time but for some reason she could never could never prank him. " baby umm I'm foreal it was a dumb prank just like when we was younger we used to do pranks I think I went to far with that one though." He simply smiled and went by his business.

"Ohhh I hate that nigga sometimes."Nothing bothers him some days I just want to argue and go back and forward I don't know why I just like how he acts when he get mad a certain extent.

Why she thought I was gone leave. I don't understand this woman sometimes. Women are weird as hell.
Bianca yells " fucking get mad or something damn." She storms in the living room sitting down. ' I got to go to her grave ughh I really don't want to but I need to sort my problems out she's my mother at the end of the day regardless if we ended on bad terms."

SG walks in and looks at her
" I need to visit...Tyler too " she mumbles.SG sees tears running down here face. He walks over to her and sits down wrapping his arms around
Her. " what's wrong with you... you don't cry easily so what is it?" She takes a deep breath ..

" ok Baby you know how me and my mom and Tyler all ended on bad terms before they died?I am going to there graves to talk to them and I know I usually don't let stuff bother me but the reason why I've been so angry and shit is because I don't know what to do like baby honestly I really miss my mother. I know we didn't have the ideal mother-daughter bond but I miss talking to her I miss being able to hug her when I was little when I got hurt.My mother was hard on me but I really love her I act like I don't care about a lot of shit but it hurts knowing my own family killed my mother cause of who she was dating. Baby please don't leave." Steady thinking about how much her husband has helped her through so much despite all the bad shit they been through.yes we've had breaks , trust issues, broken promises, and even negative emotions this nigga has been here for me more then my family and the way I used to act towards him when we were younger it's amazing he stayed.

SG looks at her surprised " Woah..." SG knew she must of been on edge because Bianca would never say that out hurt SG to see her like that.. Damn I don't like her like this shit it's heartbreaking . Bianca stands up walking upstairs to the bedroom. She goes in the bedroom and locks the door. SG knew not to bother her. So he gets in his Black Range and drives to red lobster.

After a good 15 minutes he comes out with food. He gets back into his vehicle putting the food in the passenger seat. As he pulls into the garage he hears his daughters " daddy!!!!" . He hops out and grabs the food. Tianna and Kiya rush into the garage " baby y'all know not to be down here come on." They follow behind their father into the house he sits the food on the counter."Daddy me want some ice cream " says Tianna.

" no you gotta eat first let me go get mommy." As he makes his way upstairs he hears 4 small footsteps following behind. He knocks on the door " Princess open the door for me and the babies ." She opens the door after about 30 seconds SG wraps his arms around her and hugs her tight.

He scoops her up and walks towards the stairs "come on Tianna nd Kiya let's go eat." Making his way downstairs with his princesses SG sits her down on the couch . The girls instantly jumps into Bianca's lap. "Mommy you otay?" Tianna hugs her mother .

Bianca smiles and nods. " I'm fine baby. " she stands up holding Tianna and holding Kiya's hand walking in the kitchen . SG is taking the food out of the bag.Bianca sees shrimp she grabs it everybody starts grabbing plates . SG walks off after giving everybody their plates he sits in the living room drinking sprite.

After the girls eat Bianca calls Hariya." Come babysit your nieces while I visit mom's grave ." Hariya complies then hangs up. She shows up after taking forever." HEY my prettty nieceeeeeesssssss " they all get excited jumping and running to her.
Bianca kisses there forehead "Mommy will be back."SG and Bianca walk to the Range getting in SG starts it up then drives out. They drive slowly in silence Bianca not moving or saying a word just lost. SG turns to Blevinbill Cemetery. Bianca takes a deep breath then she covers her faces breathing in her hands. " Your ready baby?"

Bianca looks at him then she finally speaks " Yes ,I'm ready "
Stepping out of the car Bianca looks down as she feels her bf grabbing her hand she instantly lays her head on his shoulder as they walk torwards her mother's grave. After standing in front of it Bianca let's go of SG's hand she sits by the bench right beside her mothers grave looking at her name reading it slowly Kiara Shay White.

Bianca takes a deep breath and starts "Mom I know we ended on bad terms and it hurts how I acted like you didn't matter before and after you died......because in reality I miss you everyday ma Iwasn't the best daughter and you weren't the best mother but I've hated you for no reason and you've done a pretty job of raising me. It hurts me knowing I can't say I'm sorry Nd hug you so I want you yo know I really love you and you have a granddaughter ."tears running down her face she stands and walks up to her bf "come on baby let's go "

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