Chapter 35.Really?

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The girls sit in the room waiting to hear the supposedly preposterous proposal that she had to offer."Ok before you flip out just hear me out and think about it rationally.So confused and intrigued both Bianca and Diamond sat there  ready for her to speak.

"I think it would be appropriate for all of us to stay here with him...."

They both look up and say"He said that already "

Tanara takes a deep breath then finishes "as his gf' s "

Confused Bianca says "No that's not gone work how would we all manage as his gf plus he would love that it's the perfect opportunity to hurt me again  "

"We don't have to  share a bed or no dumb shit like that we all have our own houses so we can figure something out about the matter".

After discussing the topic for 30 minutes or so they all walk in the living to talk to him about it. At first he thought they were being funny then he simply said yeah and got up and went to lay down. Tanara feeling like she finally solved the problem she then remembered  Bianca's bruises."Do you want revenge on him  ? You want to get even?"

She just shook her head" make him more angry ? and so he can abuse me even more for trying to get even???"

Tanara understood what she meant knowing  he was crazy as hell so she wasn't going to chance it .


A few months later.

SG was just coming back home from getting his hair shaped up like every week as usual . Tanara and Diamond were out shopping for the kids Bianca was sound asleep .SG thought about Bianca being naked then he remembered how perfectly shaped up she was so he hops of the couch rock hard  trying to adjust his hard monster in his sweat pants

"Biancaaaaaaaaaa"SG walks upstairs smirking and smiling .

As he enters the bedroom he sees her sound asleep so he walks up to her and sits beside her she slowly wakes up then Bianca  turns around and spots him and freaks out"No no no move get away or I'll scream out loud as I can " SG looks at her intrigued "No you want come here I mean nobody is here so if you did they wouldn't hear you "

Hesitant and scared of what he was thinking she scooted to him "yes?" She finally gets out.

SG leans in as Bianca starts leaning back .Grabbing her shirt he pulls her to him and kisses her. Confused about what just happened Bianca sits......... puzzled...scared but also excited . For some reason she was enjoying it after all the times he forced his self on her.

So she moans in his mouth as she lays back on the bed.SG slowly reaches for her tights but he feels her hand grab his arm."Please don't hurt me I love you man." Moving her hand   SG gets between her legs and keeps kissing her.

SG and Bianca  stand up both start stripping clothing off. Bianca lays on her back looking him in the eyes hoping he wasn't planning anything devious.He starts pushing himself in. Quickly she puts her hand on his chest signaling him to wait fearing he wasn't trying to make love to her . "Please don't do it again just not today please "he moves her hand and holds them down on the bed . Taking his time SG slides all of it in. She takes a deep breath as she feels every inch is buried in her. Subconsciously Bianca says "wow you're in my stomach " then she moans real slowly . Trying to get her hands free she gets one out and she sinks her 3 inch nails into his back causing him to bite on her neck and she felt him sucking on her hard causing her to moan louder..

SouthSide WildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora