Chapter 20:Insane

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SG hears Bianca's phone go off so he goes to get it he reads the name and it says "Daddy" SG Looks at her as he walks downstairs ,taking his time SG walks behind her then he steps to the side of her ,he hands her the phone she looks at it and instantly grabs his arms as SG walks off her voice got cracky and broken ."Hold.... on wait a minute let's talk about this let me it's not what it...... " he turns around "Let go" she does then thinks how she fucked up .SG walks outside gets into his Range he drives off not even knowing exactly where to go . (Very quick with getting information)he makes a call and find out exactly where to head  to. Zooming past red lights and stops signs .Quickly whipping into the driveway.

As he pulls into the driveway of the ran down house he spots the one person he came for. So he sees him sitting on the porch by himself .SG grabs him then pistol whips him knocking him unconscious he throws him into the trunk then heading towards the house .SG calls Hariya tells her to come get kiya ."I need you to come and get your niece for a little bit." she shows up and gets her.Soon as she leaves SG pulls the guy out the trunk drags him in the house "Bianca get down here "

SG Waits til she walks into the living room.SG picks the knife off the table(always something handy lying around ) Bianca eyes get wide with fear as SG slides the blade across the guys neck ever so slowly hearing as he gasp for air swallowing his own blood.he drops on his knees and collapses lifelessly on the floor,blood spreading on the floor.

The whole time he is looking Bianca right in the eyes .She doesn't know what to do or say all she felt at the moment was fear.She attempted to run out the door .He blocks tbe door "We are over Bianca " She knew it was coming but she instantly felt her heart break.It felt like she was emptied out .Like her heart was ripped out."please give me another chance im really really sorry"

SG does something he knows he probably will regret.He grabs her by tbe throat and squeezes"Dont ever come around me again"he let's go of Bianca then walks from the door "Bye"She runs out the door crying "im sorry" she mumbles as she pulls out her phone calling Harija.

"Can't believe this shit "he think remembers the ring and necklace he bought. He walks Outside toward her,she turns toward him seeing him walk she backs up with every step he takes.

SG grabs her hand and pulls the ring off her finger ,then yanks the necklace off of her neck .Bianca reaches for the necklace "give me my necklace back" he turns around and walks in the house.Bianca sits on the steps crying.

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