Chapter 33.Shameful

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SG leaves the Family house after sorting everything out .He decides to stop by his old house ,wanting to see why they were there but he sees two  priest leave the house he pulls into the driveway SG feels some leave the house knowing what it was.SG walks inside and finds Bianca and Diamond where sitting on the couch DiAmond was sound asleep and  Bianca was playing some game. SG checks upstairs and sees that both his beautiful daughters were sound asleep. So he heads back downstairs pissed at how Bianca screamed.

So SG smirks and wraps his hand around  Bianca's throat she drops the phone "Bianca I swear you scream and I'll kill you " She shakes her head and tries to reach over and wake Diamond. SG takes his other arm and tears her dress she starts crying automatically . He let's go of her throat then pulls her panties then rips em off "You deserve everything thats happening to you " .

"No..... not again........... I'll do anything just nooo" she pleads and begs wishing he would understand that everyday she regrets flirting with another guy or even texting another guy knowing she was wrong.

"Be a good little bitch and shutup and take it " SG forces his way between her legs as he pulls her down off the couch til her back in resting on the cushions  Unbuckling his pants and pulling his pipe out throw the hole in the boxers. She sees it and she freaks out even more  " uh-uh no move SG moveeee."
SG being aroused by the fear coming from Bianca he tears the remains of the dress off and her bra throwing it on the floor. Pushing himself into her as hard as he can while covering her mouth Bianca screams into his hand "MMMMMMMM !!! Once again the unbearable pain started .Bianca started crying harder when she realized that help was so close yet so far away from her.Struggling she puts her hands on his chest and pushes with all her power,still not doing much to help her situation.

She sat there again helplessly whining in crying with nobody to be there for her when she needed them.
"NOBODY is going to help u
You Bianca you should of thought about that before you cheated.
"Every stroke broke her heart more and more because she put two and two together and noticed he no longer cared about whether he was hurting her or not.

I can't tell anyone they either wouldn't believe me or they would go back and tell him that I told them what he had done to me..Wh.....whyyyyy won't he stoppp
Why does he hate me so much?This is painful.God please help me.....
Omg I want to die......Kill me somebody.Please let it end .I can't take this anymore.

"ppppyrrreeeee jyllll meee "was all she could say with her mouth covered.Wondering what she said he uncovers her mouth "Please just kill me ".Bianca face soaked like the grass on a stormy night."No that's much too easy"

SG continues and she still continues to wanting it to end .Willing to lose her life for him to stop .The pain was excruciating it felt like she was being torn in half. Really wishing he would stop .

He sits up and Bianca seeing her chance to be free she kicks him right in his man piece. He falls down in pain gaining his strength back . Bianca flees running upstairs into their bedroom and locking the door.SG twists the lock hard enough til it pops. SG swings the door open hard hitting her in the nose and lip busting both . Tangling his hand in her hair he drags her to the bed and starts slapping her in the face then he kicks her hard in the ribs making blood spew out her mouth.

Crying harder she gets on her arms and stands up receiving a punch to the guys coughing up more blood.she falls down on the bed She can't move  yet she knew she had to or otherwise He would do it again. She knew that she didn't want that to happen again so she tries to run to the top of the bed remembering  that she always hid a gun inside the top of the mattress.All she needed was 5  seconds to grab it. Soon as her hand grazed the gun she gets yanked back down and she feels her head get forced on the bed  "don't move".

Terrified she does exactly what he said . SG locks the door and gets behind her without hesitation she starts crying again .SG refusing to be interrupted again he takes the handcuffs out the night stand and handcuffs her hands behind her back. Knowing she is shit out of luck Bianca does all she can to protect herself from him."Baby no more I'm sorry I regret it everyday I want to take it back everyday but I can't just please for our child stop.

SG gets infuriated "Don't bring  an innocent baby into this " SG goes back inside Watching Bianca's back lifts up trying to cope with what is happening to her once again. SG gets up and showers then uncuffs her ,Bianca' s hands fall beside her like a lifeless body ."getup and take a shower " He gets back in the shower with her he lifted her up and had his way with her again .

Bianca gets out and puts on tights and a tank top then makes her way downstairs. SG smiles then puts his boxers on  then his black pants ,red tank top and he ties his flag around his pants with his bred 9s he grabs his red polo hat to match "Damn im surprised all my shit still here.As he walks downstairs Bianca walks right in front of him not knowing what to do she stands stiff and tense til he walks into the kitchen.

Damnit no no no why did he have to go where I was trying to.She takes a deep breath and goes in the fridge  and finds some to cook for everybody.Scared but out of care she asks "Um S..G ...are you hungry ..?"

He turns around and says "Yea a lil ."

She grabs spaghetti sauce  and the noodles and the ground beef with the ground sausage as she cooks the ground beef and sausage she feels him grab her and kiss her neck she flinches in pain then she realizes she missed being with him despite everything he has done to her she knew she still loved him ."Can you please stop I'm not into that anymore I'm scared to do anything with you now "....."Well you know that would of never happened if you wouldn't of cheated " SG grabs her breast with booth hands .Bianca starts feeling real uncomfortable she moves and turns towards him looking him in the eyes  ."I refuse to ever do anything sexual with consent with  you ever again."

Scared out of her mind of what has happened to her baby daddy.

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