Chapter 37.Where?

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I come back from the house and I notice the front door is open but it looks like somebody broke in so I pull my draco out my bookbag i rush it I hit the stairs quick checking the bedroom. I see a note sitting on the bed saying  Come get your children and their mothers you know who this is Bitch.
SG goes to take a shower pissed off as hellafter he gets out the shower he gets dressed. Throwing on Black timbs,black pants,a Black tank top ,and his black jacket. Grabbing his glock 36 and his draco. So he jumps in his range heading to shay house ,wasting no time he jumps out and rushes in he goes upstairs to the draco room he grabs four dracos all black with silencers.  He walks past Shay heading back to his car."I'll be back I haven't forgot."

SG rushes  to his Family House he walks in shoving the doors open. The whole family stands as he enters "Don" everybody says.

SG pissed says "Fuck that somebody get stello and Ben. Minutes later His Left and right hand mans were next to him "Let's go  boys"

SG gets in his range He drives to Southside  to pick up the gang.As he pulls up to Trap he hops out quick "ayo gang it's war time." SG watches as Mike ,Bingo ,Blitz ,DI,Flat,Kobe,And Kemo pop out the cut."Let's get it"

The gang hops into their cars and Flood out. They all drive to the WestSide.Hopping out with tools like military SG runs up to the door kicking it down Kemo ( only 15  real steppa) runs to the right SG heads straight  to living room He blams Badass  hitting him in the chest 8 times .Then SG walks up to him closer  and puts one  in his head hearing somebody yell empty.They  rush out the house to the house down the street SG kicks down that door. Running in SG watches Korey and Black run saying "yo he here " SG hits the bitch niggas in the back. Hearing foot steps and gun shots blasting around outside SG runs upstairs shooting anything moving. He watches a girl he used to hang wit in the hood  run past him he looks her in the eyes "You hang with the ops you die with em" SG puts three in her head .He hears a woman scream he looks up and sees a elderly lady looking at the bitch he just put down.

"Fuck dat." SG shoots the old lady in the head too. He runs to the bedroom at the end he opens the door seeing all the girls he sees that they are tied up .He cuts the wraps with the knife he sees sitting in a chair then he looks up  and sees a foot coming towards him he moved to late getting kicked in the mouth thing SG hated was feet. SG stands up and grabs the person by the throat he starts crushing his throat slowly hearing every satisfying.

"You had the nerve to touch my girls " SG drops him on his feet and starts punching him all in the face stomach and chest not stopping blow after blow punch after punch . The guy doesn't fall he just stands lifelessly getting beat to death. The girls run out the room.

SG stands still punching and punching then he stops hearing the body drop."Bitch " SG turns around and watches  as the whole gang shows up. Everybody leaves in their car. Heading back to SG big ass house.people start heading to store buying stuff to celebrate bringing the girls home.

Everybody is downstairs getting ready to start cooking and SG pulls Tanara upstairs to ask her is she ok."Baby I'm fine "

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