Chapter 5.Savage

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There are two men in front of Flat
One has a gun pointed at Flat
The other is ready to fight

"Shawn watch out im going to shot him"gunholder says

"Mac he's mine"says shawn

Flat laughs "im going to kill both of you" Flat jets to the side snatches the gun out of
Mac's hand then shots Mac in the head then drops 6 more rounds into Mac's chest and throws the gun at Shawn's knee making him fall on one knee.

Flat taking the chance and kicks him  in the head and stands over him beating him all in the face til his knuckles and covered in blood and Shawn is not breathing.

Lil Blitz is fighting four men at the same time

"Yall cant fight at all " says Lil Blitz as he knocks one of them out with a side step punch ,another with a knee to the stomach

"Lets go " he tells the other two standing the run at him with full assaults he dodged every punch and breaks one of their jaws when he cocks back and knocks one of them down.  The other one
Stands still and tries kick Lil Blitz but gets grabbed by the leg and slams him on his back full force taking away all of his wind He walks up to him and starts stomping him in the stomach

Keelan then Pulls out his gun and starts letting off 50 rounds killing at least a third of the Trio boys
He then discards the other klip and reaches into his bag and grabs another drum and as soon as he gets the drum in he feels heat go past his head

He ducks and rolls over dodging 10 rounds he then jumps up firing back trading Shots with them he hits 29 of them and runs up to get closer and he ducks behind a car. Getting two clear headshots and killing two more of them

Keelan then jumps off the roof of the car clearing somemore of the crowd then while coming down he kicks two of them in the face soon as he lands he turns around and pulls out both of his guns amd emptying both clips into the crowd making sure not to hit The rest of Gang. He then sees one of them has a machete Keelan thinks (im going to slice somebody up)He runs at him with a machete he swings it almost cutting Keelan ...Keelan grabs the mans leg and slings him against a car then grabs the machete and stabs him in the stomach

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