Chapter 2. On The Way

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"Well first didnt you have to get you weed from RJ?" Asks SG
"No, He swung by my  crib yesterday and delivered " Quany says
"Ight bet ,I got to meet with Skoota to get my 19 pints of Codeine ,After that we can chill for a minute at the house"responds SG(not my momma house me and my brother have our own Penthouse).They all nod and SG plugs his phone to the aux cord but seconds later he gets a call so he asnwers and he hears " Baby you left your other phone at my house last night "

SG comments"well I'll be by there later on anyway soo just hold it til then ,i hate when you hang up before you let me finish talking though"
Bianca sighs and speaks softly"Im sorry bae " He thinks to himself (I love her ass alot)while turning to the hotbox parking lot(my favourite spot to meet skoota)"Dont feel bad baby i know you dont do it on purpose just stop being so impulsive okay?"SG says a lil too softly
Bianca speaks in a relieved manner"Okay See you When you get here ,Im going to make it up to you , I love you" He shakes his head smiling
"I love you too "then hangs up as he sees skoota white dodge charger hemi with blackout lights and underglow with limousine tinted windows pull up beside his Range Rover.

Skoota says"I got it in the trunk"
SG goes to the trunk and grabs his 19 pints which happen to be in a 25 pound sugar bag SG thinks to himself ( convenient nobody will think twice) He puts it in his trunk and gives Skoota the $500 and tells him "Ayoo Let Me kno when my pound of Mango Kush comes in ,only got half a pound left. we had a big ass smoke session all week " Then they go their separate ways.Lil Blitz takes Two grams out of his bag SG thinks to himself(which i failed to realize was on his back being that he didn't walk past me this morning)

Lil Blitz pulls out his phone and calls Flat &Di tells Them we on the Way .He then puts it on speaker phone so i hear Flat say "Im going to drive my car to meet up with yall ,im going to pick up Bingo & Akeem & Hakeem now" Lil Blitz Ends call and we blast Lud Foe Wat It Do All through the streets .All three Of them pull out their glock 40 with gold plating and flash them out the Range .After 30 minutes of riding around they meet up with Flat & Di, they all chill in Sycamore Run smoking and fighting like usual til it hits 5:00

Flat tells Quany ,Hakeem,Akeem and Bingo they chilll here til they get back from the meeting.So they hop into the Range and head to the meeting.As they arrive they notice that everyone else is just arriving so they get out and walk up and have a discussion with the others about the drugs they have moving in.after 2 hours they left and went back to Sycamore Run.SG calls Bianca and tells her he is on the way .
She says in a very pissed off tone" Hurry the fuck up my brother is getting me tight" so He hangs up and pulls up at her house she walks out with her curly hair down dark brown wearing
A VS pink jacket with black tights and custom black and rainbow Huaraches

SG gets out and walks around so he can open the door for Bianca she says "thank you" and he nods and closes the door ,goes around to the driver side ,gets in ,closes the door,starts the Beauty and asks "Baby where do u wanna go?" She says "I dont ...

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SG gets out and walks around so he can open the door for Bianca she says "thank you" and he nods and closes the door ,goes around to the driver side ,gets in ,closes the door,starts the Beauty and asks "Baby where do u wanna go?" She says "I dont know bae,but im hungry so food is top priority" SG smiles then bianca intertwines her hands with his .He decides to take her to the most expensive restaurant in the city .

She walks in goes to the booth all the way at the back while SG talks to hostess .He comes to the booth and sits in front of her and asks"What was wrong with you on the phone earlier"looking concerned Bianca Tells him about he brother being made because she has a job and her and him have their own house but her brother is just being overprotective so he says "Bianca the waiter is talking to you baby girl"Bianca blushes with embarassment and speaks "Yes i would like spiced stuffed peppers with lobster and shrimp "

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