Chapter 28. Survival

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Rex watches as a mexican jumps off the table and launches himself at them Rex grabs his shirt and yanks him on his neck.He hits the floor with a loud smack .SG does a quick count he counts 16 people but one guy is walking. SG thinks this guy must can fight he is too calm.Feeling like a rock hit him SG looks and sees a muscular dude to his right.

He spits blood out then runs to the table jumps and punches him in the temple.The Warden watches in amazement.The guards throw brooms and knifes to the prisoners.Seeing a inmate reach a broom SG drop kicks him in the head. He then jumps up off his hands while Rex is stabbin away at the inmates aiming for throats.He kills most of them wasting no time.

The last guy slowly walks up to Rex and Rex swings at him and gets knocked out. The Warden shoots SG and the other inmates in the neck knocking them all out.SG wakes up ans He is in His cell Rex is doing push ups.

They sit in the cell and discuss getting out .The Warden calls for both of them.When they finally  get to the office the Warden is sitting in his chair smoking a cigar.He tells them to have a seat and he tells them "If you somehow, but i highly doubt it ,can kill me both of you will be free of all charges and you will be let out as free men, but first you have to fight The last guy in L4 Mitchell Simkins.

The guards take Rex to the cell and SG has to follow the Warden to the yard where Mitchell is waiting for him to show up.SG guessed that he must of been given the same offer so he knew this wasn't going to be easy ,but for some reason that excited him.

They take the cuffs off them both SG stretches and gets loosened up.SG notices that the guy is chinese"You can take as long as you need ,but only one of you can leave here today alive,so have fun and may the best survive."

Instantly Mitchell pulls out a knife and starts swinging it pretty fast first SG ducks then steps to the right then the left but when he steps back he gets a cut on his stomach he attempts to stab SG but he spins around his arm and as soon as he turns to face SG punches him with his right.

Mitchell Stumbles back 5 feet and throws the knife at SG. Looking sharply he moves out the way turning his head away .AS he turns back toward his enemy he is greeted with a strong punch to the jaw rocking him.He shakes the feeling off then punches Mitchell in the mouth and stomach with his right then he runs behind em punches him in the spine.

Mitchell clips SG making him fall.He stands and does a front flip trying to land on SG's head evading the hit just in time. He gets on his feet and SG watches Mitchell fo a roundhouse kick getting close to the fence .SG grabs his leg and Mitchell spins in the air and kicks with the other foot landing right into SG's neck ,not letting go.

SG slings Mitchell being quick mitchell stretches out his arms landing on them he jumps off and runs at SG. He raises his foot and kicks all the wind out Knocking SG down as he stands up He sees another kick coming to avoid getting knocked out SG blocks his foot with his left arm ,then he rushes and grabs his shirt SG flips him in the air .SG doesnt heat him hit the ground, he looks up to see him standing,so they walk up and stand toe-to-toe.

SG's right foot is touching Mitchell's right foot.Mitchell swings a straight with his right and then a left hook then a right uppercut.SG blocks the straight wit his left elbow and the hoot wit his right arm then he leans back avoiding the uppercut.SG swings his left hard as he could with as much speed as could mustercatching him in the jaw making him drop his guard ,SG s starts punching hit after hit.straight, hook,uppercut,uppercut ,straight, straight.when he sees Mitchell stumble SG says "Lets Get It"

He cocks back and swings his left and Mitchell catches it and swings his left SGgrabs his arm and shoots under his arm getting behind him.SG kicks him in the back knocking him on the ground.He pulls his arm and steps on it.Earning a snap from the bone breaking SG turns him on his back and stands above him and starts pounding his face with punches then he gets up and grabs the knife and starts stabbing Mitchell all in the face .

He finally slits his throat and stands up walking towards the door .Hitting the shower SG washes off then gets to his cell. Him and Rex figure out how to kill the Warden ,they decide that when its lights out they would kill the guard when he comes to do the night walk.
So they both stay up as they wait for the guard to do his check .For some reason He stops and turns away from their cell talking to another guard Rex yanks his vest and puts him in a headlock SG grabs the key and tazer gun and unlocks the bars and they beat the officer to death.

So they run to the office .Trying to be quiet they creep in and seeing two knives on a plate they grab em and Rex goes to the left side of the desk SG goes to the right. Rex grabs his head and slits his throat then SG Stabs him in the skull .

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