He looked around and then back to me. " You really haven't figured it out yet ", he said. I looked at him confused. He saw my face which made him shake his head. " I don't want no other nigga talking to you because i like you ", he said. I just stared at him lost for words.

" Wh-what did you say ", i said. He walked over to the driver's side and got in. I hurried up and hopped inside. I leaned over and snatched the keys away from his hand.

" Tay stop and look at me ", i told him. He sucked his teeth. " What do you want Keleii ", he said.

" What did you say ", i asked him.
" I think you know what i said ", he responded. I placed my hand on his chin making him look at me. " Do you really like me ", i asked him. He nodded his head looking into my eyes. He slowly traveled his eyes to my lips.

" Well i like you too ", i said. He licked his bottom lip. " Oh really ?", he said. I nodded my head.

He placed his hand on my neck pulling me closer to him. We begin kissing each other passionately. We stayed like that for a good minute. We stopped and looked at each other.

" Does this mean we're together now ?", i asked him. He leaned over and kissed me. " Yeah we're together ", he responded. I flashed a smile wrapping my arms around his neck. I kissed him again.

His phone started going off. I let him go so he could answer it. He hooked the phone to the car speaker. " Its Mikey ", Tay told me. I nodded my head. Then he answered,

" Yo "

" Wassup bro "

" Aye why yall aint come out here to this party ?"

" Ahh we wont going to that shit bro. But J having his own shit right now tho "

" Why yall niggas aint tell me ?"

" look bro im telling you now, so stop whining and slide through "

Tay looked over at me for approval i guess. I nodded my head. Then he went back talking again.

" Aight im coming "

" Aight bro "

" Let's get outta here ", Tay said after he hung up. I gave him the keys back. I put my seatbelt on as he started the car.



I got out of my G wagon and strutted my way inside The Ritz. The first thing i did was walk inside the dressing room.

After changing into my gear for the night i went to look for Monica. Turning the corner i bumped into Mocha. She was with her posse, Velvet and Skittles. Velvet was a darkskin girl with long straight black hair. She also have hazel green eyes and a curvy shape. She looked better then all of them in my opinion.

Skittles is puerto rican and she's the rude one in the crew. She have dark brown curly hair and light brown eyes. She also have a petite shape.

" Damn bitch watch where you going ", Skittles said, her accent on heavy. I rolled my eyes.

" Who you calling a bitch, hoe ", i said crossing my arms. She sucked her teeth. " Im calling you a bitch, bitch ", Skittles replied smartly.

" Girls lets go, Candy dont want these problems ", Mocha said. Candy is my stripper name. I know its cliche but whatever.

" Nah bitch i want all the smoke ", i said letting them know i wasn't playing.

" Ayo Bestfriend you good ?", Monica asked me as she walked up.

" Walk away Honey, this don't got shit to do with you ", Skittles said. Honey is Monica's stripper name.

" How about all of yall walk away get to work ", Killa said walking up on us. He turned to Mocha. " I needa see you in my office ", he told her. He walked away leaving us standing there.

Mocha looked at me with a smirk. " Looks like you aint putting it down right because he came straight back to me ", she said. With that she went in the way his office is while Skittles walked into the dressing room. Velvet slowly walked beside us then stopped.

" Im sorry Mo ", Velvet said. Monica sucked her teeth. " Yeah whatever hoe, you supposed to have my back ", she responded. Velvet walked away ignoring Monica.

They're both cousins. They came into this type of life together but soon as Velvet aka Loren, met Mocha and Skittles, she started acting funny. Me, Monica and Loren used to be so close and now we don't even speak.

" Let's go out there and get this money ", I said leading the way. Monica and I made our way to two of the guys that was sitting around waiting to be satisfied.

The dude i got was ugly as fuck. But that's not gonna stop me from getting paid.

I begin dancing on him giving him a lap dance. I looked back at him looking at my ass everytime i move. I looked over at the entrance and saw Kelz walking inside. He looked around until his eyes met mine. Smiling at him, i started moving seductively. Kelz licked his bottom lip watching me move.

I bit my lip as i stopped dancing. I put my hand out for the guy to paid me. He went into his pocket and handed me some cash. I politely said thank you to him and then i walked away towards Kelz.

" Well well well what brings you here ", i said while walking up to him. He looked over at me with a smirk.

" I just came here to see my baby ", Kelz said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

" I missed you ", I told him truthfully. I haven't seen him in a week. " Me too ", he responded. I took his hand and led him to the bar. We both sat down on the stools facing each other.

" So where were you ? You've been m.i.a for days ", i asked him. He shrugged his shoulders.

" I had some shit to take care of. Dont worry everything's ok ", Kelz responded. I nodded my head.

I turned my attention towards the entrance. This group of guys came walking in. I started to get a vibe that something wasn't right. The leader of the crew finally looked over our way. He told the others something and then he walked away with a nod.

" Um Baby do you know them niggas ", i asked Kelz.

" What niggas "

" Them over there ", i replied.

He looked over and once he saw them he quickly turned back around.

" Get the fuck outta here Kayla ", he told me. I looked at him confused. " For what? What's going on ", i asked. He stood up from the stool. " Just do what the fuck i say ", he said. I crossed my arms.

But before i could say anything the leader shouted out to Kelz.

" Ayo! Wassup nigga ", the leader said. The next thing i know Kelz pulled out a gun and started shooting at him.

People in the club begin running and screaming. Including me. I ran in the dressing room with Monica. We both hid under the vanity mirror that's in the corner. Tears started streaming down both of our faces.

I just hope Kelz is ok.


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